I’m still wondering if the option to adjust the health of NPCs spawned through the admin panel is working properly, or if it is user error. So I linked my old question here:
Continuing the discussion from [PS4] Admin Panel - Question re: Spawning NPCs.
This next part is more of a suggestion than a question.
First, as some background, I have been creating content on our PvE server for our players to participate in, such as dungeon-like structures (including a Temple and Maze). Once the structure is completed, I add treasure chests and populate it with enemy npcs. Each time a group runs through the content, I have to go back in and manually replace all the npcs (and of course the loot). This can be rather time consuming, particularly so for the Maze as ghost mode doesn’t seem to work on PS4 (can’t phase through walls, which I thought was the purpose…).
What I’d like to see is the ability for admins to place NPC spawn points – should be rather self explanatory. If not, specifically what I’d like to do is place an enemy NPC such as an Heirs of the North Fighter T3 that will respawn after 15-30 minutes in the place I initially set him down at. This would significantly increase the viability of player created content and reduce a sizeable headache for the admins creating such content.