After 2.6. update, using a Yellow Lotus Potion, I have the knowledge to forget

Game mode: [ Online official ]
Type of issue: [ Bug ]
Server type: [ PvE ]
Region: [ ASIA ]
Hardware: [ PS4 ]

The Official ASIA PVE 4216 server.

  • The above is the environment where I found this phenomenon. It is unknown if it will occur in other environments.

Bug Description:

After applying Conan Exile PS Japanese version “Conan Outcast” update 1.52 (equivalent to 2.6.), When I took the using a Yellow Lotus Potion, I lost all the knowledge of “furniture” that I could remember in the Isle of Siptah’s vaults.

Expected Behavior:

The knowledge that can be learned other than all of the Isle of Siptah’s vaults, such as scrolls, teachers, and objects, was not lost. I cannot investigate whether all knowledge will be lost.

Steps to Reproduce:

Once you have acquired the knowledge of furniture in the Isle of Siptah’s vaults, using a Yellow Lotus Potion.

Other my conditions are as follows.
・Conan Exiles PS Japanese version “Conan Outcasts” the disc version.
・The official ASIA PVE 4216 servers.
・My Consoles(PS4 Pro).
・My use connection: wired
・My address: japan (Using Asia server from Japan)
・Our region number is #325884/31198.

Just in case, I will attach a video of that moment on YouTube.

(Using a Yellow Lotus Potion time 3:30-4:40)

Thank you!


I reported this to Zendesk earlier. [30264]



So it appears that the yellow lotus potion issue fix was unsuccessful…

Thanks for the video.


Thank you for your reply!
I cannot be sure of all that knowledge will be lost.

I hope the @Community will address this issue.

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Well that is not good, hopefully it will be fixed in the next patch.

Literally just wanted to comment that I like your armor in the beginning of the video


Thank you for your reply!
I also hope this will be cured next!

While making this armor practical, I imagined the character Char Aznable from the Japanese anime [Mobile Suit Gundam]!


Hi @Treeyou_anyone and thank you for sharing this information with us.

We’ve passed all this over to the rest of the team for further investigation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we look into this.


Thank you for your reply!

Later, when others investigated, the following knowledge was lost:

・All the knowledge of “furniture” that I could remember in the Isle of Siptah’s vaults.
・Eldarium-Reinforced Chest.
・Eldarium-Reinforced Braziers.
・Hardened steel cage.

From the game user’s point of view, it is not clear whether all of this is lost knowledge. There may be others.

Please investigate and respond.
thank you!

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