Well it appears they’ve pulled down the beta servers. Been down since lunch; 6 hours+.
Hi Caroll,
thanks for the link. I had actually read the Q&A (though, to be fair this response had slipped my mind). However, it does not quite address the biggest source of conflict. The statement implies that issues found on the Public Beta may get fixed immediately, which has not happened in past experience.
I really think a clear unequivocal statement as to whether or not bug reports from Public Beta directly affect the initial release version would be useful. Already there is another thread discussing whether or not Funcom will ‘react’ to bug reports from Public Beta, and whether or not people feel it is worth their time to test. A clear statement that ‘bugs reported on Public Beta cannot be actioned until the first hotfix’ or that ‘bugs reported on Public Beta can be actioned for the live release and as many as possible will be’ (or whatever the actual policy is) would go a long way towards encouraging people to actually use Public Beta and make reports. If people know what to expect, then they are less likely to be frustrated by the perception that ‘Public Beta testing is a waste of time because no changes are ever made before the live release’.
To put it in less general terms - I am someone who has personally spent hundreds of hours on the old Testlive branch reporting bugs, and has directly experienced the frustration of seeing those bugs go live as if my time had been completely wasted. Clarifying whether or not bugs are intended to be fixed before live release or if the intent is purely to get a headstart on the hotfix would give people like me a clearer sense of why we should spend our time doing this. Either option should be acceptable, but the clarity of why is what is needed.
Is it available Sept 3rd at the onset of Midnight? If not, what time on the 3rd will it be available?
I have to say Caroll - you are ringing like an alarm on at least improving communications. For that - you have my sincere thanks.
If you have any interest in “recovering” this player community, you’d better get word to the folks doing the systems work that it would be paramount for them to clean up an Old Serpent-sized number of bugs and broken features. If we see that with the next release, you will have our attention and then can begin working on restoring trust.
At a minimum - as it has been stated / asked / suggested here many times - at least let us know which of the major, game-breaking bugs are in your crosshairs. If we can get a quick snippet addressing what you are working toward, and where your progress has reached, it’ll feel a lot less like screaming into the void when we report stuff to you on our end.
Thank you. You are brave and strong coming out and answering this bunch of barbarians.
Yes, that’s what a beta is.
Wait, have you just now stumbled upon the whole concept of software release lifecycle? If not, then what’s your point?
Yes, beta versions are generally published to gather feedback and do wider testing. Beta testing existed way before Conan Exiles, and it will continue to exist for a long time after Conan Exiles is no longer developed. If you think that “beta testing” means “lazy coders didn’t do the testing”, then you don’t know what you’re talking about.
No, it’s clearly ignorance.
If there’s one thing to complain about when it comes to Conan Exiles public beta, it’s that the last few iterations of it have been completely freaking pointless. What good is a beta test if you don’t actually fix any bugs or take into account any feedback?
But complaining about how you’re debugging for free is absurd. That’s what a beta test is.
I wish that was as new to me as the concept of beta testing was to you
You’ve certainly been free with your opinions all over the forums
Yes, that’s supposed to be a normal part of beta testing. Which is why so many of us have been complaining about how the devs are letting critical bugs discovered in public beta go into the live release.
Do you have a better explanation about why the vast majority of your opinion post focuses on how it’s “free debugging”, a “debugging exercise”, and “work for free”, and almost none of it was about how they don’t do anything with the public beta feedback? I’m all ears