Age of Heroes Public Beta: Moved Again

The Age of Heroes Beta has been pushed, again.

I cannot say I am not disappointed.

I cannot say I am surprised.

What I can say is that I would rather they delay the Beta release for another month than give us the class of Beta we have had in the previous two (2) releases.

Both the previous betas were so bad, so bug ridden, so full of new disasters, that I quit my standard new release playthrough. If these delays will prevent another occurrence of this process, delay away.

This does shorten the window for bug reports for the production release but, let’s be honest, no one has any faith bug reports, even game breaking bug reports, result in any updates to a schedule prod release.

I would love to be proven wrong.

In the meantime, I’ll continue on other challenges and review other games and i will thank Funcom for, at lease, communicating and not releasing a broken beta.


No one is surprised. But hopefully this means that they are tuning in, and realize we have legitimate concerns. I am not convinced.


:brazil: feedback bug pc xbox ps4 Conan Exiles @Community

Tudo que é mostrado no BETA é levado para o jogo na atualização por que a funcom não olha para o feedback da comunidade sobre o beta teste de Conan Exiles

Não tem muitas reclamações por que todos já sabemos que não será ajustado para a atualização. :thinking:

Eu mesmo parei de ficar perdendo o tempo no teste beta por ver que a funcom não faz ajustes antes de atualizar o jogo e descarrega todo o lixo na atualização depois lança os HOTFIX para tentar resolver, porém sempre que tem uma atualização com muitos hotfix vários jogadores abandonam o jogo de conan exiles devido ao atrazo em um erro que todos já estão cientes :sleepy:

OBS: Geralmente uma minoria de trapaceiros entram no beta e faz muitos testes e não fazem a postagem do erro aqui, vão se adiantar com os erros que irá estragar a gameplay de muitos gamers nos servidores após a atualização :face_with_monocle:



I’m willing to take the delay as a sign that they’re changing their process in order to try to improve quality. But I will also remain skeptical until they actually follow through with an improvement.

It doesn’t have to be a huge improvement. Smaller incremental improvements are okay, but they need to be actual improvements. “At least they tried” is not an actual improvement.

What I would really like to see during those “few weeks” they mention is a more serious treatment, i.e. answering questions promptly, keeping track of bug reports, and not letting game-breaking bugs into live if they were reported.

In other words, I’d love to see a proper friggin’ beta rather than just something they slap on a couple of servers to give the content creators a chance to drum up some hype for the new release.


For once … you and I agree on something. Yeah. Largely there’s no point. Especially since they keep pushing the TestLive date. If we find something wrong, they WON’T fix it anyway under normal circumstances.

Now - if we find something wrong on the late TestLive - they will have the excuse that there isn’t enough time to fix. Convenient.

And then they’ll never fix it. With a hotfix, or anything else. Just like the Inventory UI issues. No hotfix. No comms. No nothing.

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Do you know something that we don’t know CodeMage? :rofl:

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No, I don’t. At least, I have no insider info, I’m only extrapolating from my own software development experience.

All I was saying is that I’m willing to take the delay as a sign of improvements that they promised. Or if not “promised”, then at least implied, when they announced that they were changing their release cadence.

I don’t remember them ever deciding to delay TestLive before. In fact, since Tencent took over, the release dates became set in stone, to the point where it was more important to push the update than to implement everything they promised or fix game-breaking bugs before releasing.

The release cadence change coupled together with the decision to delay TestLive points to a change in the release processes. I can only hope that the objective of that change is to improve quality somewhat. But as I said, it’s just a hope and I’m not holding my breath. Would be nice if they followed through, though, wouldn’t it?


The negative in me thinks the delay is because it wasn’t content creator ready, and they want it to be hype ready at the least. I don’t believe it is for true QA reasons.


I hope you’re wrong, but I expect you’re right :confused:




That is a fair assessment. i hope they prove us wrong.


I’m in agreement, Bigg. I believe the Beta version has an issue that makes the update completely unplayable. Therefore, releasing it wouldn’t be worthwhile until it is fixed, not because of a minor bug that needs fixing for quality control or because they promised to do better. The Beta simply does not work right now and the 2nd moving of the Test Live date is to get it in a testable state, not because they care about us. Sorry for the negativity, but after 6 years, I’m worn out.



Delay it and refine it. This is a decent first step.

Now here’s the REAL sign of progression:

When it does go to public beta actually fix the bugs players report and if you have to, delay the live release until any and or all major issues reported by the players are resolved.


<J. Jonah Jameson laugh here>


Calling water wet is not negative.


This one has you.

that's hilarious

But seriously, if it means fewer bugs, fine.
However, if this keeps up, what will they do for Age of War Chapter 5?
Will there at least be a bug fix patch to address the big issues at the moment.

Honestly, this one would rather the fixes to the carnivorous foundations and such be put forth before the new guaranteed flustercluck that will be living strongholds.


A side note. To really see how it will affect officials, and since they wipe test for new chapters, they need to add in 5000 bvs full of dp and high end mats,. 5 mega structures fence stacked and roof stacked, 10 sky bases, 10 under mesh bases. Then they will find out most unforeseen issues from test to live.


Well, I might be part of those surprised and more dissappointed.

I was hyped before 22nd, then they postponed. I thought myself “ok, stuff happens, but good move - they need to fix more things to get it ready”. So they gave us a new date, I was hyped again, really looking forward to this day and made arrangements to have free day for testing… postponed again.

I was thinking how people who are doing this will like it, if the thing would be something THEY like and look forward to. What would they prefer? Getting some dates which repeatedly don’t come true? Or would they like having no specific date, which supports the style of thinking “well, it will be when it will be”.

I said it on another platform:

Stop giving us release dates you are not able to keep.

This way you only make your fanbase upset for a completely new reason - showing lack of healthy and realistic judgement about your work options and limits, which unfortunatelly may also seem like lack of caring about your fanbase at all. I believe more people are gonna be tired from ongoing postponing and false hopes giving. I suggest you to work on it without giving any specific dates, stick to “somewhere during this month” statements and then let people be happily surprised when you release it (either beta or the actual update).


Well this happens when you push content over content over content all these years and do not consider the technical debt, that exists in this game since release.

The mountain of technical debt slows down content development which we can clearly see right now.

This is such an amateur mistake to do.


While I understand your point, them meeting releasing code just to meet a date is how we retain game breaking bugs.

A step in the right direction is to not release known bad code. Once they get this down, they can work on under promising and over delivering.

Baby steps.