Português BR
Quando terminar Age Of Sorcery será que veremos algum vampiro dentro do exilio?
Era dos vampiros @Funcom_Community
Can someone translate this for community please, I’m curious about why this poster is talking about vampires…
“Will we see any vampires in Exile Lands at the end of Age of Sorcery?”
-according to google translate
" Princess Akivasha is the Pharaoh Tuthamon the Great’s eldest daughter and the immortal Stygian vampire princess who existed more than 10,000 years ago before the birth of Conan."
Possibly? But are we talking Nosferatu or Twilight?
What I thought we would get
What we actually got
So… what next? you’re casually strolling down the broken highway with your sorcery zombies… when all of a sudden Buffy jumps you from the bushes!
Nope. Buffy just offlines your sorry @$$
Lol would love some vampires.
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