Khari (craftable) weapons should have their damage increased significantly. As-is, they are lower than both Star Metal and Acheronian weapons. This seems like a mistake, Acheronian are even higher than Star Metal, which is backwards. Khari should be at least as much damage as Ancient Lemurian, or more, given that you may need to defeat Thag multiple times before the recipe is found and Ancient Lemurian require only a single dungeon run. Pristine Khari legendaries should have damage increased as well, more in line with other legendaries in AoW, given they are rare drops. We need that incentive to run the Wine Cellar, as-is there is little point to farming for khari steel or the legendaries that drop down there.
Couldn’t agree more. It makes absolutely no sense to me either, @spiritjim11 .
i created a thread about this may be 2 years or 3 years ago,
actually khari weapons and khari armors are the hardest recipe to find in all conan exile maps.
and pristine khari weapons or weapons of thag weapon, scyte weapon are the rarest weapons drop of conan exiles.
and you need to farm the toughest dungeon of conan exiles to farm what needed to craft that.
so why those weapons are still under powered ? can we hope to have one day weapons stat linked to difficulty to find their recipe or material needed to craft ?
i mean in beta, you can acquire deadly weapons at low level, i did a video at level 5 to get a legendary weapons, so why khari weapons that need to be fully geared and farm a lot wine ceylar do not outclass a weapons that you can acquire at level 5 ?
and why obsidians weapons and black ice weapons have been so nerfed when you need to spend a lot of time to craft it and not inside your workbench for blackice wepons, and for obsidian you need to use smelting outside of your base in a far away area that require specialized level 60 gear, ae. to craft black ice, you need also specialized level 60 gear, and kill lot of blue giant and wait lot of time to have you weapons crafted outside of your base. where is the commun sense and logic ?
i mean what is the problem to balance in regards of time it took to acquire or be able to do ? comments done just to have a balanced and greater game.
This should go into the Public Beta Client forum rather than General Discussion as it is probably more likely to be noticed by the devs there, and the title should be edited to mention Khari specifically so it doesn’t just sound like another generic post whining that things are changing.
I will disagree just to this. I will try to fix it by saying that the difficulty level of obtaining them is the greatest in the whole map.
Cellar wine IS a difficult dungeon. No matter how many times we have done it, it still remains difficult. The terrain is hard, the aggro is big, the damage outcome of the minibosses is humongous and the rng sucks in there.
However between the final stage of the sunken city and Cellar wine, i prefer Cellar wine.
Sunken city is too much for literally notging.
On rarity for me still remains Den. It’s rng to have the boss and again rng to even have something in his pockets. You may visit this arena 10 times, find the boss only twice and empty . I don’t remember when it’s the last time i collected the claws.
So rarity exists to many other places too, but the difficulty of the cellar wine is unique!
ps: I am so sorry, couldn´t help myself. I hope you don´t mind.
We can be objective about this. Thag has a 1-hour respawn timer unlike other bosses with 15-minutes, that means his loot is 4x more rare than any other loot.
Aside from unimplemented weapons, Mace of Thag is objectively the rarest weapon as it has a 1% drop rate from a boss that takes 4x as long to respawn. Or a 0.25% drop rate equivalent.
Scythe/Hammer of Thag each have a 6.25% chance to drop from said boss. Or a 1.5625% drop rate equivalent.
The weapons dropped by the Unnamed City humanoid undead bosses, such as the Sword of Crom, have a 1.3% drop rate, which is actually lower than the Scythe of Thag’s drop rate equivalent, but not the Mace of Thag.
, i just noticed it . Not at all… Yes, that’s my English
in past, at a time where the scythe weapons was still a good weapon because the only one of the game to have the whrilwind effect applying lot of bleed, i spent over 6 months to get it in doing dungeon dailly. well i know its rng, and bad luck can be there
but as i really did this dungeon often, seem to me rng drop of the scythe weapons is really bad, and before access the dead body of this boss it take a lot of time at each try, in term of rarety after comes to me rng drop at unamed city.
and yes wine cellar is from far the best dungeon, most funny one to run through, and mini boss can drop the rare pristine kari weapons too something has really to be done to give to these khari weapons and gears some love.
And those khari armors are beautiful too.
I think the Wine Cellar dungeon needs a revamp. It’s my favorite dungeon in the game.
I get Szeth’s truncheons and most of my fighters there (RHTS). While I wait for them to respawn, I farm Thag. You get a heart of a hero, pristine Khari weapons, cool armor recipes, etc.
You can literally spend hours farming this dungeon. The first time you go in, there’s more Khari steel, btw.
How sad it is, crafted with blackmsith dagger so max damage on beta of aow
It’s not just this. No matter if i have the evidence all these years i have no proof.
My experience all these years is that by playing in just one server it’s hard to impossible to loot all the rare things, something like “one character cannot obtain all”. People who read the dev kit say that these parameters don’t exist, then others say that not all the dev kit is available.
I have seen this in multiple characters i created, things that was impossible to one character to obtain in one server, to another server with a different character was a common drop.
So i was wtf??? I haven’t seen this once or twice, it’s so many times that i lost counting. Yet it seems for some that i see ghosts… So be it .
well there is also on other way to see it i did so many raid, looted so many bases, and played on 3 servers, and i think than in 4 years i only found 2 or 3 scythe weapon in all bases loot i did.
this is also how i rate the drop rate for others weapons,with loot i found on pvp server
on siptah the drop rate appear better, but it’s in fact that you can access to the judge quickly and that he respawn quiclly too.
but well devs know the drop rate rng they coded, so they just have to look that and compare those weapons stats to the one you can acquire in 5mn at level 5 with a skeleton key. and even in speed run in the beta, this dungeon need something like 15 mn before having the dead body of thag, with gear and level 60 you can kill boss that drop legendary keys in 30 sec.
I suspect there’s funky stuff going on we don’t know about. Like why do t4s spawn more frequently when we aren’t armed with truncheons?
Or maybe we just remember those occasions better. Just in case, eceryone’s trucheons stay in my inventory until they are needed. Call me superstitious…
haha true
Ain’t that a fact!
Yea me too, i don’t care!
I wonder if Age of War is good for PvE or PvP in any way.
Time will tell, but if Khari weapons aren’t strong enough the dungeon would become pointless.
It is also not that easy to get this recipe. Around the 20th clear I finally dropped the recipe for weapons.
And I know some people which have done it over 50 times and haven’t dropped it.
20 unsuccessful attempts? Unlikely, but possible.
50 unsuccessful attempts? Highly dubious. Those odds are around 1 in 20 million.
There are some which had it at first attempt
When it comes to rng I’m always unlucky lol, but some people are even more unlucky it seems…
But when it succeed I want my grind to be worth it tbh :')
Good day everyone! Wanted to share my ideas for the new Age of War expansion.
The previous Age of Sorcery update was really massive and gave the game a new breath! For what, as a fan, I want to thank Funcom from the all of my heart. In this update, in addition to everything, there was a new system regarding magic and other dark arts.
It seems to me that it is worth focusing not only on improving and rebalancing weapons, but also adding something more to players who have reached level 60. I’m talking about an additional system for revealing the combat potential of the players. For example, you can make a progression on each type of weapon (melee and ranged combat, sorcerer’s scepter), unleash the potential of each with the ability to change the attack animation, or something more.
Make separate talents, in which the player will additionally reveal the skills of a Warrior, Archer / Rogue or Sorcerer. Thus, the player will reveal the potential of the add-on and indeed then Age of War will reflect its name.
I heard that the developers want to do finishing blows on opponents - that’s great!
Now you cannot repair legendary items - this greatly devalues the items found, especially if you search for them for a long time. I suggest that there would be repair kits that you can create yourself, but when repairing a legendary item, they broke 25% of its full margin of safety. But at the same time, there would be a chance when killing the “Big Boss” that they would drop a Legendary quality repair kit that does not break maximum durability.
Because of this, players will try to look for them and there will be no feeling of a “consumable” material from legendary items, but rather make them valuable.
Add complete items that, when assembled 3/5 elements, gives an increase, say +100 to health. And when assembling 5/5 elements of the kit, access to one of the double perks opens up. Such as Combo Master or Second Skin. It also gives the character more exposure and offers the player something more than the “Trash” effect of the armor.
Make such complete armor items for players who can challenge the most difficult challenges. Make several sets of armor for a warrior, archer/rogue and sorcerer.
This is my vision for improving the game, how you can reveal the name of Age of War by letting the players reveal their character.
Thank you for your attention!