[AGENT] Onlymeh's Agent Attribute/Treatment Buffing and Tweaking

Original Thread

Agent Attribute/Treatment Buffing and Tweaking
Version 2.0

This summary of twinking is most viable for an agent, however some aspects of it aren’t agent-locked so to speak;therefore, anyone who is not an agent can actually benefit from at least 60% of the contents here.
Please use the spaces provided appropriately for fixtures, comments, and concerns. Enjoy.

Preface- Errors
After all, we are all human. Should you find an error on one of the posts, please feel free to respond on the thread itself or contact me via PM or ingame, should you have the means to do so.

Preface- Implants
All implants add the same amounts of abilities/treatment, it is only changed according to QL. As for the add per QL, here’s the table.


QL	Abilities	Treatment
200	110		210
250	127		246
270	136		260
300	146		283

Shiny, Bright, Faded break-down accordingly:


 QL	Abilities	Treatment
200	55,33,22	105,63,42	
250	64,38,25	123,74,49
270	68,41,27	130,78,52
300	73,44,29	141,85,57

(g) Generic Buff
© Castable on any target
(s) Self-only
(fp[prof]) Castable under the noted profession



Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 944
Solitus 780
Nanomage 664
Atrox 780

Agility Boost(g)- +12
Feline Grace©- +25
Dance of the Dervish(s/fp[adv])- +4


Hud and Deck:
Amused Spirit +7 (per, goes into Hud1 Hud3 Utils1 Utils2 Utils3 Hud2)
Hadrulf’s Viral Belt Component Platform +35
Maar’s Yellow Belt of Double Speed +50
Mystery of Pisces +12 (Goes into Utils1 Utils2 Utils3)


(Various)	Anything					+2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers)	Aban Fala's Bracer of Dexterity			+4
(Boots)		Boots of Azure Reveries				+8
(Back)		Burden of Competence				+30
(Pants)		Chosen/Faithful Agent Pants 			+20 (QL300)
(Various)	Eva Pourais' Snakeskin Patch			+4 (Goes into Neck, Rshoulder, Lshoulder)
(Pants)		Flaxen Notum Pants				+8
(Bracers)	Gemini's Double Band of Linked Information	+20 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Head)		Headband of Haste				+5
(Set)		Kirch Kevlar (Set, 6 pieces)			+30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Pants)		Legs of the Servants of Eight			+10 (QL200)
(Set)		Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces)			+24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Boots)		Omni-Armed Forces/Sentinel Boots		+9
(Set)		Sekutek Chilled Plasteel (Set, 6 pieces)	+30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Head)		Subspace Mesh/SSSD (..etc)			+6
(Back)		The Pioneer Backpack				+1
(Hands)		Lamnidae Gloves					+6 (QL300)
(Back)		Veil of the Revoked				+5
(Head)		Extruder's Molybdenum Crash Helmet		+3

Ring of Plausibility|+20 (Level: 205)|
I am the Eel (Opifex)|+8 (QL200)|
Eye of the Evening Star|+30 (QL300)|
Ring of Divine Teardrops|+20 (QL300)|
Pure Novictum Ring for the Artillery Unit|+8|
Ring of Divine Teardrops|+20 (QL300)|
Silly Ring|+2 (QL200)|
High Commander of Tir Ring (Clan)|+4|


(SMG/AR/FA/BU) G.C. AKMR 1K20 Prospero			+20
(2hb/MA/SA/FA/BW/Dim) Master G-Staff			+60
(PI/BU/931 MR) MTI VP300 Black s. Caseless		+10
(PI/BU/1200 MR) MTI VP300 Gold				+30 *Combo #1*
(PI/BU/1183 MR) MTI VP300 Red s. Caseless		+30 *Combo #1*
(PI/BU/1051 MR)	MTI VP300 Silver s. Caseless		+20
(PI/SG/FS/FsA/702 MR) OT Backup Pundit			+24 *Combo #2*
(Rifle/AS) OT PF57 Flechette System			+25
(Rifle/AS) Tsakachumi PTO-HV6 Counter-Sniper Rifle	+30

Perks and Misc:

10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
10 in Solitus Alpha Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
10 in Atrox Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Nanomage Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300

Ring of Plausibility, thanks to Kyai.


Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 912
Solitus 780
Nanomage 780
Atrox 600

Sense Boost(g)- +12
Enhanced Senses©- +15


Hud and Deck:
Aim of Libra +20 (HUD1,2,3)
Enel Gil’s Earring of Attention +3 (HUD1,2,3)
Eremite Psychic Sensor +4 (HUD2)
Hadrulf’s Viral Belt Component Platform +35
Maar’s Yellow Belt of Double Speed +50
Mystery of Pisces +12 (Goes into Utils1 Utils2 Utils3)
Rat Catcher’s Goggles +8
Spiritech Medical/Network Analyzer +3 (Goes into all HUDs and Utils)

(Various) Anything +2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers) Aban Fala’s Bracer of Apprehension (Omni) +4
(Bracer) Bracer of Killing Intent +14 (QL300; Left wrist only)
(Back) Burden of Competence +30
(Hands) Chosen/Faithful Agent Gloves +20 (QL300)
(Various) Eva Pourais’ Snakeskin Patch +4 (Goes into Neck, Rshoulder, Lshoulder)
(Head) Fly Catcher’s Specs +20
(Head) Gift of the Old Gargantula +40 (QL200; Commonly comes as +20 to +30 adds)
(Bracers) Grand Armband of Sense (Clan) +2 (QL200)
(Bracers) Gemini’s Double Band of Linked Information +20 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Head) Head of the Servent of Eight +10
(Set) Kirch Kevlar (Set, 6 pieces) +30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Neck) Neck Eye +5
(Set) Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces) +24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Pants) Omni-Armed Forces/Sentinel Pants +10
(Shoulder) Personalized Robot Brain +15 (QL200)
(Chest) Shapeshifter’s Vest +10
(Head) Subspace Mesh/SSSD (…etc) +6
(Bracers) Specialized Dustbrigade Vambrace - Opifex Breed +3
(Back) The Pioneer Backpack +1
(Head) Extruder’s Molybdenum Crash Helmet +3

Ring of Plausibility +20 (Level: 205)
Anillo Casero de la Cripta +4
I am the Eel (Opifex) +8 (QL200)
Eye of the Evening Star +15 (QL300)
Ring of Divine Teardrops +30 (QL300)
Pure Novictum Ring for the Artillery Unit +8
Silly Ring +2 (QL200)
High Commander of Tir Ring (Clan) +4

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(PI/BU/FS/275 MR) Atlas Bern C.V. Sarcastic		+30 (+15 per, QL100; adds +15 Psychic per)
(Rifle/AS) BBI PS500 Kid Loco				+25 (QL200)
(PI/RE/BU/FS/FA/600 MR) Freedom Arms Super 90 Queen	+60 (+30 per, QL160)
(PI/BU/FA/508 MR) Galahad Inc T70 Zig Zag		+40 (+20 per, QL77)
(Rifle/AS) ICC Arms 2Q2N-8 Gun Bag			+30 (QL145; adds +20 Psychic)
(PI/FS/1500 MR) Polizziotto M204 Hierophant		+25 (QL200; Can be used as an offhand to avoid MR)
(PI/FS/236 MR) Uncle Bazzit Rusty 22mm			+40 (+20 per, QL96; Not a bad choice)

Perks and Misc:
10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
10 in Shadowsneak (Agent Perk Line) +55 (Scaling: 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,10,20)
10 in Solitus Beta Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
10 in Atrox Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Nanomage Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300

Ring of Plausibility, thanks to Kyai.


Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 680
Solitus 780
Nanomage 748
Atrox 912

Stamina Boost(g)- +12
Essense of Behemoth©- +27
Iron Circle©- +20


Hud and Deck:
The Dantian Belt of Life +5
Maar’s Red Belt of Double Power +50
Endorphin Factory +10 (QL300)

(Various) Anything +2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers) Aban Fala’s Bracer of Endurance (Omni) +4
(Head) Cosmic Guide of Pisces +11
(Back) Burden of Competence +30
(Chest) Chosen/Faithful Agent Body +12 (QL300)
(Sleeves) Frederickson Micro-kinetic Sleeves (Omni) +22 (Goes into Rarm, Larm)
(Bracer) Grand Armband of Stamina (Clan) +2 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Pants) Ljotur Pants of Cornucopia +8 (Lowers Intelligence by 2)
(Hands) Lamnidae Gloves +6 (QL300)
(Head) Subspace Mesh/SSSD (…etc) +6
(Head) Modified OT Armed Forces Training Helmet (Omni) +3
(Set) Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces) +24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Pants) Solid Steel Hydraulic Legwear +5
(Back) The Pioneer Backpack +1
(Chest) Upper Part of Ljotur +2
(Head) Extruder’s Molybdenum Crash Helmet +3

High Commander of Tir Ring (Clan)|+4|
Pure Novictum Ring for the Artillery Unit|+8|
Silly Ring|+2 (QL200)|
I am the Bear (Atrox)|+8|
Watcher of Tir Ring (Clan)|+2|

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(Insignificant) Concrete Cushion(s)			+16 (+8 per)
(1hb/HW/SA/FsA/BW/Dim/530 MM) Excellent Concrete Cush.	+40 (+20 per)
(PI/RE/FS/542 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 G2			+50 (+25 per, QL200)
(PI/RE/FS/441 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 Guerrilla		+40 (+20 per, QL158)
(PI/RE/FS/321 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 Notum		+40 (+20 per, QL108)
(PI/RE/FS/302 MR) Freedom Arms 3927k Ultra		+40 (+20 per, QL100)
(PI/RE/BU/FS/FA/246 MR) HSR Arms N.M.			+50 (+25 per, QL100) *Cheapest per skill* *Best*
(SG/FS) Krutt Assault 219 Waltzing Queen Special	+24 (QL184)
(AR/AS) OT M500 SWAT Monster				+24 (QL180)

Perks and Misc:
10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
5 in Mountaineer (Group Locked Perk Line) +35 (Scaling: 4,6,7,8,10)
3 in Freak Strength (Generic Perk Line) +20 (Scaling: 5,5,10)
10 in Solitus Alpha Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Atrox Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
10 in Nanomage Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300

Typo, thanks Drnecro.


Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 764
Solitus 772
Nanomage 664
Atrox 912

Strength Boost(g)- +12
Essense of Behemoth©- +27
Iron Circle©- +20 Doesnt stack with…
Prodigious Strength +40 …this
Form of Tessai (s/fp[ma]) +40 (Lowers Agility by 70)


Hud and Deck:
Carrier Craft (Dead as the Dodo) +400 (QL1=+50,QL200=+400)
Maar’s Red Belt of Double Power +50
Omni-Tek Gunship (Omni) +150 (QL200)
Sash of Scorpio Strength +10
The Cause of Headache (Atrox) +5


(Various)	Anything					+2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers)	Aban Fala's Bracer of Brute Force (Omni)	+4 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Shoulders)	Barrow Strength					+3 (Lowers Stamina by 3)
(Boots)		Boots of Violent Motion				+10 (QL200)
(Bracer)	Bracer of Striking Force			+14 (QL300; Left Wrist only)
(Shoulders)	Chosen/Faithful Agent Shoulderpad 		+6 (QL300)
(Back)		Burden of Competence				+30
(Sleeves)	Frederickson Micro-kinetic Sleeves (Omni)	+22 (Goes into Rarm, Larm)
(Hands)		Loose-Fitting Hydraulic Gloves			+4
(Bracers)	Grand Armband of Stamina (Clan)			+2 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Head)		Subspace Mesh/SSSD (..etc)			+6
(Shoulders)	Might of the Revenant				+5 (Lowers Stamina by 5)
(Head)		Mirror Mask of Ljotur				+5 (Lowers Stamina by 5)
(Set)		Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces)			+24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Hands)		Rockcrusher Gauntlets				+5
(Set)		Sekutek Chilled Plasteel (Set, 6 pieces)	+30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Sleeves)	Sleeves of Azure Reveries			+4
(Bracers)	Specialized Dustbrigade Vambrace - Atrox Breed	+6
(Bracers)	Supporting Carbonan Holster (Opifex)		+14
(Back)		The Pioneer Backpack				+1
(Chest)		Upper Part of Ljotur				+6
(Head)		Extruder's Molybdenum Crash Helmet		+3

Omni-Tek Ring of Harmony (Omni) +6
High/Commander of Tir Ring (Clan) +4
Grasping Ring +5
Pure Novictum Ring for the Artillery Unit +8
Silly Ring +2 (QL200)
I am the Bear (Atrox) +8
Watcher of Tir Ring (Clan) +2

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(Insignificant) Concrete Cushion(s)			+16 (+8 per)
(1hb/HW/SA/FsA/BW/Dim/530 MM) Excellent Concrete Cush.	+40 (+20 per)
(PI/RE/FS/542 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 G2			+60 (+30 per, QL200)
(PI/RE/FS/321 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 Notum		+40 (+20 per, QL108)
(PI/RE/FS/302 MR) Freedom Arms 3927k Ultra		+40 (+20 per, QL100)
(AR/AS) OT M500 SWAT Monster				+18 (QL180)

Perks and Misc:
10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
5 in Mountaineer (Group Locked Perk Line) +35 (Scaling: 4,6,7,8,10)
3 in Freak Strength (Generic Perk Line) +20 (Scaling: 5,5,10)
10 in Solitus Alpha Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Atrox Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
10 in Nanomage Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300



Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 764
Solitus 780
Nanomage 912
Atrox 600

Intelligence Boost(g)- +12
Neuronal Stimulator©- +20 Doesn’t stack with…
Odin’s Missing Eye(s/fp[mp])- +40 …this
Improved Cut Red Tape© +3


Hud and Deck:
Intuitive Memory of the Aquarius +12 (NCU1-6)
Maar’s Blue Belt of Double Prudence +50
Hadrulf’s Viral Belt Component Platform +35 The Cause of Headache (Atrox) +5


(Various)	Anything					+2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers)	Aban Fala's Bracer of Logic	(Omni)		+4
(Chest)		Breastplate of Azure Reveries			+8
(Bracer)	Bracer of Focused Conncentration 			+14 (QL300; Left Wrist only)
(Back)		Burden of Competence				+30
(Chest)		Chosen/Faithful Agent Helmet 			+5 (QL300)
(Neck)		Experimental Cyborg Token Board			+5
(Bracers)	First Creation of the Sagittarius		+10
(Head)		Fly Catcher's Specs				+20
(Bracer)	Grand Armband of Intelligence (Clan)	 	+2 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Boots)		Ljotur Beets of Camping				+3
(Bracers)	Power of the Mind 			+5 (QL300)
(Head)		Subspace Mesh/SSSD (..etc)			+6
(Hands)		Mediative Gloves of the Aquarius		+25
(Head)		Modified OT Armed Forces Training Helmet (Omni)	+3
(Set)		Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces)			+24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Set)		Sekutek Chilled Plasteel (Set, 6 pieces)	+30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Head)		Shades of Lucubration				+30
(Bracers)	Specialized Dustbrigade Vambrace - Nano Breed	+3
(Chest)		Superior Sentinel Body Armor			+8
(Chest) 	The Expensive Kevlar Vest of Prof. Jones (Nano)	+20 (QL200)
(Back)		The Pioneer Backpack				+1
(Shoulders)	Virral Triumvirate Egg				+15
(Head)		Extruder's Molybdenum Crash Helmet		+3`

Ring of Plausibility +20 (Level: 205)
Ring of Computing +25 (QL300)
Ring of Presence +4 (QL200)
Ringlet of Black Panther Whiskers +14 (Agent)
Omni-Tek Ring of Harmony (Omni) +6
High Commander of Tir Ring (Clan) +4
Silly Ring +2 (QL200)
I am the Owl (Nanomage) +8
Watcher of Tir Ring (Clan) +2
Worm Control Band +40 (QL200)

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(SG/FS) Krutt Assault 219 Waltzing Queen Special	+24 (QL184)
(Rifle/AS) MTI SL70 Garganthua				+25 (QL200)
(PI/FS/255 MR) O.E.T. Co. Jess				+40 (+20 per, QL100) *Cheapest per skill*
(PI/FS/799 MR) O.E.T. Co. Maharanee			+50 (+25 per, QL200; adds +50 Psychic too) *Best, just high MR*
(PI/FS/581 MR) O.E.T. Co. Pelastio V3			+40 (+20 per, QL160; adds +50 Psychic too) *Best*
(Grenade) Prohibited Hand-Mortar of Bacam-Xum		+60 (Requires 2000 Grenade, twinking/IP sink)
(ME/1500 MM) Sword of Dawn/Dusk				+64 (Dual wielded, only the MM would be the IP sink)

Perks and Misc:
10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
3 in Genius (Generic Perk Line) +40 (Scaling: 8,12,20)
10 in Solitus Beta Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Atrox Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Nanomage Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300

MTI SL70 Garganthua on Weapons, thanks to Rogueshoe.
Ring of Plausibility, thanks to Kyai.


Breed Caps (at level 220):
Opifex 748
Solitus 780
Nanomage 912
Atrox 600

Psychic Boost(g)- +12
Neuronal Stimulator©- +20 Doesn’t stack with…
Odin’s Missing Eye(s/fp[mp])- +40 …this!
Improved Cut Red Tape©- +3


Hud and Deck:
Cancer’s Time-Saving Memory +12 (NCU1-6)
Capricorn’s Guide to Alchemy +10
Eremite Psychic Sensor +4
Hadrulf’s Viral Belt Component Platform +35
Maar’s Blue Belt of Double Prudence +50


(Various)	Anything					+2 (QL200 each, goes into Neck,Head,Rarm,Hands,Larm,RWrist,Lwrist,Feet and Fingers)
(Bracers)	Aban Fala's Bracer of Mental Strength	(Omni)	+4
(Sleeves)	Arms of the Servants of Eight			+10
(Back)		Burden of Competence				+30
(Back)		Chosen/Faithful Agent Manteau 			+10 (QL300)
(Neck)		Comfort of the Sagittarius			+20
(Bracers)	First Creation of the Sagittarius		+10
(Head)		Fly Catcher's Specs				+20
(Bracer)	Grand Armband of Psychic Power (Clan)	 	+2 (Goes into Rwrist, Lwrist)
(Head)		Helmet of Azure Reveries			+8
(Set)		Kirch Kevlar (Set, 6 pieces)			+30 (+5 per piece @ QL200)
(Head)		Subspace Mesh/SSSD (..etc)			+6
(Hands)		Mediative Gloves of the Aquarius		+25
(Head)		Modified OT Armed Forces Training Helmet (Omni)	+3
(Set)		Nova Dillion (Set, 6 pieces)			+24 (+4 per piece @ QL200)
(Head)		Omni-Armed Forces Helmet			+8
(Head)		Shades of Lucubration (Nano)			+30
(Chest) 	Shapeshifter's Vest (FPable?)			+10
(Bracers)	Specialized Dustbrigade Vambrace - Nano Breed	+3
(Chest)		Superior Sentinel Body Armor			+8
(Chest) 	The Expensive Kevlar Vest of Prof. Jones (Nano)	+20 (QL200)
(Back)		The Pioneer Backpack				+1
(Pants)		Urbane Pants of Libra				+10
(Shoulders)	Virral Triumvirate Egg				+15
(Head)		Extruder's Molybdenum Crash Helmet		+3

Ring of Plausibility +20 (Level: 205)
Anillo Casero de la Cripta +4
Ring of Computing +25 (QL300)
Ring of Presence +4 (QL200)
Clan Ring of Salvation +6
I am the Owl (Nanomage) +8 (QL200)
Silly Ring +2 (QL200)
High Commander of Tir Ring (Clan) +4

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(PI/BU/FS/275 MR) Atlas Bern C.V. Sarcastic		+30 (+15 per, QL100; adds +15 Sense per)
(Rifle/AS) ICC Arms 2Q2N-8 Gun Bag			+20 (QL145; adds +30 Sense) *Rifle based*
(PI/FS/255 MR) O.E.T. Co. Jess				+40 (+20 per, QL100) *Cheapest per skill*
(PI/FS/581 MR) O.E.T. Co. Pelastio V3			+50 (+25 per, QL160; adds +40 Intelligence too) *Best*

Perks and Misc:
10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +45 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
3 in Genius (Generic Perk Line) +40 (Scaling: 8,12,20)
10 in Solitus Beta Genome +34 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
10 in Opifex Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Atrox Secondary Genome +24 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
10 in Nanomage Primary Genome +48 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
Large Org HQ Management Benefit +9 @ 200; QL300

Ring of Plausibility, thanks to Kyai.


This is a skill based upon it’s numbers and dependencies from three other attributes; which are Intelligence, Agility, and Sense. Each attribute affects that skill at a certain percentage; these percentages are the following: 50% Intelligence, 30% Agility, 20% Sense. Maximizing these three attributes through items and/or implants reflects upon the skill itself.

Breed Caps (Including maximized Int/Agi/Sen): (at level 220):
Opifex 1151
Solitus 1134
Nanomage 1142
Atrox 1103

8 Intelligence pts adds 1 Treatment pt
27 Agility pts adds 2 Treatment pt (13.5 per 1 Treatment pt)
20 Sense pts adds 1 Treatment pt

Treatment Expertise(g)- +20
Superior First Aid©- +80
Surgery Implant Machine(misc)- +100
Odin’s Missing Eye (fp[mp]) +5


Hud and Deck:
Implant Disassembly Clinic(fp[fix]) +20 (QL200; Util2)
Spiritech Medica Analyzer +6 (Goes in all HUDs and Utils)
The Key to Lord Mordeth’s/Galahad’s Sanc. +14 (HUD1)
Treatment Library +14 (QL200; Util2)
Yutto’s Modified NCU +2 (QL200+; HUDs 1-6, Max +12)

Basic Setup +136 Treatment/+39 Intel (4 Treatment pts)

Additional items that can replace will follow (Numbers in brackets is the additional to the set mentioned above):
Gloves of the Caring Capricorn			+25 (+15)
Helmet of Hypocrisy				+30 (+20)
Octopus Contraption of the Pisces		+20 (+10)
Sigil of Bahomet				+30 (+5)
Juggernaut Maintenance Console			+40 (QL200- Im not sure if this still drops, someone confirm please)

As for weapons, theres a huge array of choices; so I picked the ones that offer maximized benefit per skill used. Agent related skill or not.

(PI/RE/BU/FS/FA/422 MR) Freedom Arms 3927 Chapman	+50 (+25 per, QL150)
(Rifle/AS) OT-Windchaser M06 Quartz			+10 (QL22)

Perks and Misc:
Treatment Transfer (Doctor Perk) +60 (Requires a Doctor to cast on you)
First Aid (Generic Perk Line) +100 (Scaling: 10,20,30,40)
Combat Knowledge (Generic AI Perk Line) +64 (Scaling: 3,3,3,4,5,9,13,24)
(Trickle) 3 in Genius (Generic Perk Line) +5 (Scaling: 8,12,20)
(Trickle) 10 in Enhance DNA (Generic Perk Line) +10 (Scaling: 4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6)
(Trickle) 10 in Shadowsneak (Agent Perk Line) +2 (Scaling: 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,10,20)
(Trickle) 10 in Solitus Alpha Genome +2 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
(Trickle) 10 in Solitus Beta Genome +5 (Scaling: 1,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,10)
(Trickle) 10 in Opifex Primary Genome +5 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
(Trickle) 10 in Opifex Secondary Genome +3 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
(Trickle) 10 in Atrox Secondary Genome +5 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
(Trickle) 10 in Nanomage Primary Genome +6 (Scaling: 2,3,3,3,3,4,4,5,7,14)
(Trickle) 10 in Nanomage Secondary Genome +2 (Scaling: 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,8)
(Trickle) Large Org HQ Management Benefit +1 @ 200; QL300

Replaced Biomech cloak with Spirit Shroud of the Support Unit, thanks to Kyai.