Agnitio's 12 Days of Krampusnacht Megaboss Marathon

Join us for an epic holiday event unlike any other! The Agnitio Cabal proudly presents The 12 Megabosses of Krampusnacht, a festive fight marathon where we’ll take on 78 megabosses in a countdown inspired by the classic song.

Starting with 12 bosses in the first round and scaling down to 1 in the final round, we’ll be tackling fan favorites like The Abyssopelagic Horror, Bunica Padurii, Kenememti the Fear Eater, and The Hitodama Confluence.

:christmas_tree: Event Details:
:date: Date: Sunday Dec. 22, 2024
:clock3: Time: 9:00am ET
:round_pushpin: Location: Agartha (Public Raids Platform)


Please note date change to Sunday, Dec. 22!


As the song rightly suggests, you get in total 364 gifts over the course of 12 days.
I know that Agnitio are more than up to the job to fulfil that and make it a true Krampusnacht Marathon. :face_in_clouds:


Thank you to all who participated, and to the GMs who played along! :smiley:


Did the GM’s activate a sale while they were here on any of the shop items like imbuers etc pr wish us a Happy holidays?