Al-Merayah npc spawn rate is ridiculously high. Can’t even get to destroy the door to enter to fight the Werehyena, due to the amount of npc’s I’m stuck fighting. Couldn’t progress onto entering that area to fight Werehyena. That Nimlet Legion (Al-Merayah) base is massively lag city. Frame rate drops massively around that base. Number of bluescreens I have experienced entering the region ever since release of that Npc base is absurd. Great concept, horrible experience. Reduce lag and reduce the npc spawn rate funcom please. Maybe down size the base or the amount of npc’s surrounding the base to reduce rendering lag. Thank you.
It was hard and what I eventually did was use old pvp experience to place bombs while running around and blowing the door. Reset their agro, and the beeline through to the cave only two followed me in.
I tried that method but I’m on a ps4, so aside from the npc spawn rate high, the npc base lag, the frame rate loss I eventually get triangles in somehow due to lag and killed.
Not to mention the run L3 issue. I couldn’t do it well now
I just attempted one of the Isle’s versions…lag almost killed me twice…then the game crashed. When I finally got back into the game I had to haul ass to get outta there… I’m still waiting on my thrall😐
This is very much the case. I pointed this out in a report previously, while other members also tested for solutions in the process.
Unfortunately it just got the generic ‘report received’ tag attached and nothing has been heard about it since. So it is possible it may go unchanged. I do know it is insanely difficult for a Singleplayer or an Online Solo Player.
insane respawn rate…if it is meant to be this way, and not a bug, the person responsible for designing it that way needs to die there for 8h straight. Maybe then he realizes that this isn’t fun gameplay.
Well I’m leveling the bear and the model is cool but I think the hyena is a better follower at this stage.
It has bulk so the psychology of it is great. Functionally? Yeah I get stuck far more often than I would like.
Agreed, the lag is insane in that area.
In combination with the NPCs spawning quickly around the player (in many cases literally just appearing out of nowhere, not even that they run to him from somewhere), trying to corner him and stagger him to death, it’s annoying AF.
Not to mention it makes no sense and it’s not even game-immersive. About the Werehyena door, I do it the way as was mentioned above: Place bomb, trigger it, run, climb, wait for the NPCs to drop aggro, place another bomb… etc etc.
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