Hey guys, did anyone already try to defeat al-Merayah fortress solo with thralls? I tried three times already with 20 level thralls (Dalinsia, etc) but I just can’t get through the second courtyard as NPCs are respawning rather quickly and owerwhelm me. Each time I butcher them more come from the towers or other parts of the castle so they just never end.
In the dev stream they stated that the content is intended for 2 players each with thralls. It is possible solo, you just need the right weapon, build, equipment and how to use it when fighting Xv1.
You can also skip all that by climbing and destroying 1 wall to the boss.
There were 5 of us, 3 had 2 thralls, 2 had one. We had to abandon when there were so many bodies on the ground the server started to lag. My fps dropped to 3, and I couldn’t get away from the tide when everyone did tactical retreats. thralls were lost.
Well yeah dude… it’s a fortress full of guys. You’re not supposed to clear it like an NPC camp, you’re supposed to break in, fight your way to the boss and get the loot and then get out.
The performance is definitely an issue though. Don’t let them bandaid fix it by making the encounter easier though instead of actually fixing it, because if you give them that out, they will take it.
EDIT: This comes across as kind of harsh to the devs. I’m not trying to say they’re scumbags or something, I’m saying they’re working with a skeleton crew and they’re sweating, which makes “path-of-least-resisitance” fixes very tempting… but for the sake of this game actually getting better, we want them to avoid the path of least resistance when it comes to fixes.
I wonder if there’s some sort of spawn scaling based on player count then? Because I was with 1 other person and there were not that many attacking at once while we were assaulting the fortress door. I killed 3-4 then rammed the door a few times, kill 3-4 more then rammed the door and it was down. Once inside there’s 5ish on the first floor, 5ish on the second floor and 3 in the final room.
On test I did pretty well with me and 2 thralls; I usually don’t run baby sitter build, was ok till they started respawning behind me and coming in, in no time I was swarmed. Died, grabber 2 more fighters went back. Lost quite a few thralls that day. The further in I went the more spawn points I unlocked.
Well, I get it - it should be a battle to remember. I’m all for that. But it should be possible even solo. There was no chance I could fend off atackers AND blow the doors - I was constantly fighting and dodging just to stay alive and help my thralls.
I suppose scaling the respawn rate based on the nember of players could be a solution
In fact it seems that the respawn rate is linked to number of players and thralls in proximity.
i tried in bringing at main gate 10+ thralls, respawn rate was instant, wave after wave, over 400 respawn
then i tried just with two thralls, far more less respawn of npc
so number of respawn, and spawn rate of npc of fortress seem to scale with numbers of players and their thralls in proximity. if you advance, it stop respawn behind you (so when solo with 2 thralls the way is try to advance quicker possible in spot where not a lot of npc and where you thrall will be able to teleport), in other word after 5-10 tries, you know exactly where to go but still you can have surprise with you thralls that will go through door, or tp not near you but where dozens of npc wait them.
they made it more difficulth than on live beta, more npc, faster spawn rate,
which is good, was too much easy in beta.
its still doleable solo, as i did it several time with enc build, aut, and 2 thralls
also seem they made durability and may be damage of battering ram very low, and no possible to apply patch on it, which is very good as battering ram was a gamekiller in livebeta
but clearly you can die and loose your thrall in doing the fortress, but well that the game and this is also whats happens on pvp server when you do a raid.
No it doesn’t and that is part of the problem. I did point out I was doing fine with 2 thralls till they start respawning behind me and coming to me. All I did by moving in was unlock more spawn points. Eventually you will get to the point you are swarmed.
well in my case it do in going by side and climbing (in exemple if i go into inner coutward, npc will no more spawn outside the wall near the cart if I killed them before), you need to avoid the strong point of npc (near main entrance in inner castle courtyard, those one will not close before killing boss) so far succeded to train at level 20 18 thralls, and lost 7 (i take newborn thralls)
IE video recording, no more respawn outside inner wall (do not watch if you want to find by yourself)
2 thralls level 0, i have 0 str 0 agi
now if U run on all the strong point and aggro everybody at same time yes i will have a problem. and i will not show more as play a game is experience and find solution by himself
for moment event seem to me well balanced, it has difficulty, which mean that you cannot repeat it without loose at some time, as said i lost one third of my thralls doing the event, but two third survived and reached level 20. so its fine for me.
…jeeeeeez its not on test, its on online officival pvp server today and i los t 15 mn to try to help you…
yeah they removed ram outside on the cart, you still have 2 or even 3 battering ram inside courtyard
I have a transpartoy stone base right close to there, PVE no out side enemies, been around it looting chests several times. Some one had to climb in, get a ram and climb out again to bust the gate.