Al-Merayah Soldiers Insside the Well of Skelos

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1039
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Al-Merayah soldiers spawning insside the Well of Skelos right after you jump in.

Bug Reproduction:

Enter the well of skelos, got imediatly surrounded by 10+ Al-Merayah soldiers.

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Proof 1

They are truly invading the exile lands. Here they are inside Jhebbal Sag’s cove.

Same server, PVE-C 1039.

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Are they Al-Merayah soldiers or purge soldiers? Could someone on your server be doing a purge and they deciding to visit you instead?

Are they like a wandering scouting party? So far Iv encountered 6 times in single player private server iv seen them at the al merayah castle, the volcanoe, the ice temple, black keep and the dregs I forgot the other place.


Thank you so much for your report and thorough information.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

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I honestly don’t mind it :grin: they remind me of the random encounters from Fallout4 you find just randomly following the roads.

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Oh I would believe it @ImLegend7z_PT. They just spawned inside my base down on the River biome! Killed 3 of my dancers. So I can confirm that this is an issue. @RitualGround you may want to take a look here :point_down: too.

I was also randomly attacked by them inside the entrance to Midnight Grove after a death, 3 soldiers in a group. I actually thought it was part of the event, but then never saw it again.

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I’ve noticed there is a point a bit outside the al-Merayah gate where soldiers spawn in and run away. They disappear at the cliff, I guess they are warping from there to the Grove and the Well, who knows where else??

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Yesterday was attacked by a siege soldier in warmaker’s right at the entrance.

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