Stygian raider fighters from al-merayah spawning in grid 2h

I am not sure if this is the way to link to a closed topic maybe someone could explain to me how, but I had the very same as this thread that I linked to yesterday on an official server.

My thrall killed them yesterday and today they have not respawned, I initially thought they were someone else thralls until they started attacking me with fire orbs.

These show the raiders, the location on the map and today where they have not respawned.

They would look like Stygian soldiers in a purge.
You probably have some neighbouring base that has initiated a purge.
The purge base probably appeared in the vicinity of your base, sometimes purges spawn randomly and create annoying bugs
e.g. you enter a dungeon and come out slapping because the purge army is in front of you:

WOW! That is alot of raiders, there is a base of another clans in the grid location so is possible that they at some point have done a purge.

My base is nowhere near this location I was going over to join my friend to the clan when I encountered these.

I just found it strange that the original poster of the link in the title had the very same issue at the very same spot but I believe was on a private server.

If it’s been delisted you can’t, you might try changing the title.

It has been closed is this the same as delisted?

This is the link to the original thread

And there you go, now you have it inked :wink:

Might aught to change the title.

But there shouldn’t be any enemies that far south.

lol will link in post in future not title!
I am new to forums as in the posting side so still getting used to the hows.

I have just asked the clan who has a base near the spot was a little difficult as they are russian but he did say he did not do a purge.

Just changed the title :slight_smile: was not sure I could do this but thank you for help

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