Alchemist Spawn Rate Still Bugged?

So based on this Alchemist 4 spawns I am wondering if there has been a fix yet? I don’t think so, but looking to see if anyone has some concrete knowledge on this. Know of any other ‘broken’ spawns? And when I say ‘broken’, I don’t mean the spawn rate, but the ability for the T4’s to actually spawn.

Thank you!

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Do you refer to testlive? If you refer to the base game, then no nothing has been adjusted. There is a note about named thrall adjustments on testlive though.

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Is it fixed on TestLive? As in, other T4 alchemists than the MotD one can spawn?

Patch Note just says " Adjusted spawn timers for some of the rare T4 NPCs". I don’t check on the spawns until I can get my hands on the data tables for the dev kit when it’s updated to live, I don’t have time to do a raw testlive check. So I have no idea what’s fixed on testlive and what isn’t, but I’ll know after live gets updated and the dev kit does too.

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Well here’s to hoping it evens out some of the issues introduced when they (correctly, IMO) removed 100% volcano spawns.

Thanks for the replies!

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