Allow the purchase of All BattlePass items

I wasn’t playing Conan for two seasons and missed some of the battle pass content. It would be great if these items were available for purchase. I have looked for the 5th Anniversary Cake, the armor display, among a few others that I am learning were tied to previous season’s battlepass. The DLCs from years ago are still available for purchase, I believe the same could be done for battlepass items. thanks


FOMO is not a valid revenue stream capture method. Unlock the Twitch drops and the BattlePass stuff that we missed, damnit.

@Community @AndyB @den


Since the BP system is now dropped, I don’t see why you wouldn’t create a DLC of BP content. Maybe 1500cc/chapter?

When battle pass was being introduced, they promissed the old one would become availible in some other way.

But fu ck the community.


In fairness some of these items have been brought back as bazaar items but tweaked. Arcane set has been introduced with alterations. the abysal hound has been brought back as well.

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They did, and they will probably do when this season actually end when Age of heroes come up. I dont know why all the fuzz.

Can tell you that because I know that, I have virtually everything that has ever been on the Bazaar:

There is more, but you get the point …

The community has been there when the battle passes were launched,
we the community have it all.

It’s you who is just a tourist here.

Leave the devs alone.

double that, and you might get into the range of pricing when they are on a “discount”…
And there would still be people that buy it the minute it becomes an option at full price.


elitist entitled comment…I sincerely hope you are just trolling


What do you mean? Battle Pass is there in every game to give to loyal community some unique items and get real money in exchange.

You missed out? You missed out.

It’s childish entitled mentality to demand things you missed out on by your own choice.

Elitist… pfff… grow up become accountable.

Do I cry because I do not have Atlantean Sword? I do. But I suffer in silence.
Rules are rules, especially when it comes to rewards for being loyal.


“you can’t play with my toys, because I had it first!” is something a child would say…

and your obnoxious pondering on “loyal community” or “being loyal” to a freaking computer game is seriously sounding like you are worj´king through some issues in your life.


What about those who were not given the opportunity of choice?

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I’ve played the game since Beta, so kindly shut it, newbie. I don’t care that you are an entitled little child.

If you don’t see how this BS is harmful to the community, you are a silly person.


appart from oozing elitism and false entitlement, you playing this game since its inception doesn’t give you any sort of special privilege. I know you think it does, but frankly, it just doesn’t. If you think it does, that is a serious issue you have to solve yourself. Refusing that other people can have something because you think these things make you special is pathetic and contrary to your sense of community, actually toxic for a community.

Here is my take on it anyhow: Funcom should sell these battle pass items, seperately for the price they see “appropriate”. Who ever thinks it is worth the money to them to ride a spectral mount, they should be able to do that. At some point you have to realize, that is what keeps the light/servers on at FUNCOM.


I’m a day one early access player. I have the Royal armor set, the twitch drops, all battlepasses and all DLCs.

Let people obtain them again. FOMO is predatory and having an elitist attitude towards players who missed out is unconstructive and toxic. As a “community”, we don’t need to exclude people for getting the game later. This mentality is what kills communities.


What FOMO? I thought it was an in-game event.

It’s not toxic - you did not take part in competition, so why do you demand to claim prizes?
If anything - it’s just, not toxic.

I know they are going to sell these anyway, they already started to do it.
But they do it not for the community, no. They break the rules because they don’t respect us and just want to earn few more bucks.

Artificially creating arbitrary time restrictions on content. There is no limited availability of digital assets, aside from self-imposed restrictions conjured up to pressure players to buy and play at specific times.

There is no “competition”. Anyone could hop in singleplayer and admin panel through the battlepass in a week. The only criteria was showing up at the times posted. If anything, it’s a participation trophy.

Hard disagree. I find it incredibly disrespectful they’ve crafted this culture you wish to enforce of “F you, I got mine already”. Gatekeeping content and spitting in the face of new players for not showing up sooner is no respectful action.

Gaming is a hobby, not a job. Anyone should be free to pick up a game and play it when they want to play it, and not be punished for not playing at certain times.

Digital assets exist forever. Everything in the battlepasses still exist, there is no production line creating a limited edition run of things. It’s the same reason NFTs crashed so hard; digital assets with an artificial scarcity is an absurd premise that no one but con artists and gullible fools can get behind. So which are you?


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