Besides this visual bug there is also a significant performance hit, my rx570 goes from a steady 60 to 45 fps.
Both issues are triggered by opening the character inventory (and both are temp fixed by opening and closing the character stats tab).
The trees have been flickering for me ever since the release of 18.5 not just the fire bleed. The only change for me now is when I open inventory, everything becomes transparent, but goes back the way it used to be if I go to stats before exiting. There definitely is something wrong on Funcomās side, but also an AMD issue.
Reports of transparent objects are increasing more and more now even on reddit. This issue s should be pinned.
Posted this elsewhere: I had 18.5.1 on my AMD card before acquiring Conan Exiles on Steam. I traveled to the jungle pre-MOAP, and the canopy was glorious. Post-MOAP, I returned to the jungleā¦but before I could get there, noticed transparent rocks, plants, even Darfari banners. Trees in the jungle look like pathetic burned-out things, with only the faintest translucent suggestion of what the canopy used to be.
TL;DRāthe 18.5.1 driver is not to blame. This did not occur prior to the MOAP.