An explanation of the forum flagging system

Let me rephrase, who cares about a weeks old dead thread? Some times ya just to let it go. Ya I get notices, doesn’t mean I have to respond to them. I could just as easily blown off this notice if I had been of a mind to. I know jack about flag notices, when I flag a post it generally gets pulled.

My bad, must have missed that. Don’t recall read about a 30 day limit.

I’m sure I was referencing someones comment about mods unflagging posts.

Let me stop you right there, you’re already showing you still don’t get what I am saying. Once again and since I don’t seem to be saying it loud enough ITS NOT ABOUT THE MODERATORS.

My Lord just look at this thread, how can you not see it? It is so plane to so many. If it was about helping to moderate the forums ALL of the rules violating posts would be flagged and block and not JUST the one people took personal offense to. Why can you not see this?

And I believe that is rather naive. And honestly I think that is why you don’t get this. You really want to believe that majority of people do the right thing and are only motivated to help the community. My experience has been quite the contrary.

Only if it’s flagged again after a rewrite.

Or weren’t you aware of that?

Is this or is this not a thread about the use of the flag system? I’m not making an assumption IT"S THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD :man_facepalming:

No I can assure you it isn’t.

That was never my point and I just can not seem to get that through to you.

Not everything is about you. My enemies are not active forum posters, if they actually exist.

Yet you seem to think you do.

And if someones personality type means they are ■■■■ to certain behaviors you find unacceptable you flag that persons post more often, and may not even realize it. To that person it would seem you have some sort of vendetta. No, not say I think that. I’m making an observation based on deductive reasoning.

Not the majority of it.

Now I wish I could back some of this up, so take it as you will, yes thee are my opinions based on . Only apx 10% of a games player will ever be on the games forum. They come for 3 reasons.

1: They love the game and want to be part of the community. apx 20%

2: They are stuck or having some in game issue and are looking for help. Maybe 5% stay.

3: They have had issues with the game are agitated and here to be loud. Maybe 1% stay.

4: They are here to complain. So 73%

Ya you know where I pulled those %s from. But I’d bet I’m not that far wrong. So you see who; in my opinion, is doing the majority tertiary forum moderation? And I really don’t think it’s the people you think it is.

Again, your personal preferences are as pertinent here as my son’s pet. The system is not “broken” because other people don’t behave the way you do.

And the fact that you haven’t seen it still doesn’t matter. I haven’t seen, with my own eyes in real life, a person murdering another person, but that doesn’t mean people don’t do it or laws about it are irrelevant.

You seem to be under a misapprehension that you need to say things louder and repeat them.

Because I don’t see any posts that violate the rules that haven’t been flagged. Not that it would matter, because that doesn’t prove anything about people’s intentions when flagging posts.

You also seem to be convinced that saying that something “is plain to everyone” is some kind of a convincing argument.

Your experience has been that you disagree with why posts are being flagged. And from that, you inferred that people are wrongly flagging pretty much everything.

No, that’s wrong.

Again, you made a logically incorrect assumption. “Only a staff member can restore a double-flagged post” does not imply “staff members are only notified about double-flagged posts”.

The topic of the thread is an explanation and the discussion of the flagging system. You’re still making an unwarranted, logically incorrect assumption about flagging. You can be on-topic and wrong.

You can “assure” me whatever you want, but that’s just saying “NO YOU’RE WRONG!!!” Extremely convincing, that. :roll_eyes:

So, you have a strong belief that “some people are just biased against certain forum members”. This belief is so strong that you’ll call those people your “enemies”. But you’re not certain they exist? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, I don’t. But you do, because you’re the one making assertions about flaggers’ intentions and propping those assertions up with “arguments” such as “it’s plain to everyone”. Yeah. I’m sure it’s plain to everyone.

…because I flag those behaviors.

Yes, if I tend to complain about dog poop in the park, I will most likely complain more about the person who leaves their dog’s poop every time. Brilliant deduction! :man_facepalming:

Given everything you’ve said in this thread, you have proven deductive reasoning is not your forte.

I also see that those “73%” of the people you describe are not really part of the community yet. As I keep saying, there’s a difference between a community and a group of people.


Depends on the content. Some threads that are years old are relevant in case a google search led to them. Specifically anything involving building styles and the like. Or game mechanics/strategies that are still relevant.

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Not implying that the system is broken, not sure why you are inferring it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Me saying I haven’t seen it is anecdotal, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, why do yo think I am?

I’m not sure what else to do when some one clearly doesn’t comprehend what I am saying.


So even with you it’s not about violating the forum rules, it’s about how people post. Might be why you’re not getting what I am saying.

You think by now you’d know when you make assumptions, you’re going to be wrong. Most all my flagged posts are for similar reasons were the posters wrong in flagging it; well maybe they picked the wrong reason, but I can see why it was flagged. Do I agree it should have been? No. But I’ve made it clear I’m lax on the rules, and don’t get easily offended. And flagging a post is a judgment call.

You skipped the part where I show’d how your habit of flagging posts based on behavior proves a bias against certain forum members, do I need to go over it again?

I’ll concede that.

Well at least I don’t make missassumptions with dependable regularity. But not coming to the same conclusion does not reflect poorly on my deductive reasoning.

And no matter how much you want a group of people to be a community they wont be unless THEY want to be.

But by default after 30 days it doesn’t matter, right?
Are flaggers going to get a notice the flag has expired?

Seriously, this entire thread proves my point and I honestly don’t understand why it isn’t clear to every one.

Now do I want the flag system changed? Yes, yes I do.

I want SPAM redefined. Vandalism needs to be it’s own category, it just seems so oddly specific. And the useful and relevant part are covered in off topic.

SPAM should be advertisements or repeated posting the same thing.


Because that was your position when you started this discussion:

Did that position change? Or are you again going to pretend that you meant something different right from the start?

Might be you keep assuming I don’t understand what you’re saying.

Posting off-topic content is a behavior. So is being excessively rude. So is posting politics. I could go on, but those are all behaviors. Some of those behaviors have to do with what people post, some have to do with how they post it. All of that falls under what you call “forum rules”.

You don’t, because you didn’t show anything. You just took the word “behavior” and assigned some vague, special definition to it.

You claimed that your experience is that most flaggers’ intentions are not to help the community by participating in forum moderation:

I said that your experience is that you disagree that your posts should have been flagged, and you just confirmed that:

The claim about the flaggers’ intentions is not your experience, it’s what you inferred from your experience. It would have been your experience if you had any knowledge about their intentions. Do you have knowledge about their intentions? Or are you simply speaking for everyone you disagree with?

No, but your consistent practice of making logically unsound assumptions does.

That’s okay. We’ll welcome them to the community, and they can join or not. But they still have to “wear shoes and shirts”, as @LostBrythunian put it.

No, they won’t. If a post remains flagged for 30 days, the system deletes it and that’s it. Nobody gets a notice about that, as far as I know.

Yeah, really, why isn’t it as clear to everyone as it is to you? :smiley:

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We don’t always get what we want. You can always make your own forums for Conan Exiles Discussion and have it be the perfect place in your image. If you are as right as you think you are, it would thrive and this one would dry out.

I don’t have confidence in your ‘ideals’ that will happen though. Feel free to prove me wrong though. Thus far you’ve given no solutions to the problems you alone seem to have however.

I have seen alternative to company provided correspondence actually thrive maintained under members of said community. But I don’t think this one is capable of such.


Yes, were you not paying attention? You do get threads evolve right? This one has certainly lived long enough to prove that. And I have yet to pretend I meant anything different. It’s your understanding of what I am saying that has changed, not what I am saying.

Ya, the issue here gets clearer by the moment.

I disagree on the choice, not the rule. See that is part of this you just don’t seem to get.

I didn’t mean everyone, I was trying to be nice.

Then how is that flagging not permanent? :man_facepalming:

I give up. There is just a level of conversation going on here you just don’t get and I don’t know how to make it clear to you. You just misunderstand so much, and I frankly don’t have the time in my life to explain it all to you. You have made it very clear you just don’t comprehend what I am trying to say and I honestly don’t not know how to explain it so you do.

I just made a simply suggestion, there really was no need for all that.

I’m not even alone in this thread with these issues.

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The Flagging System is set up for multiple people to flag a post before the user flags hide the post. A forum staffer can Flag a post and take immediate action to hide the post with that flag. Repeat violations can result in stiffer penalties being applied to the user account.


It’s not permanent, because the post either gets restored by a moderator, or it gets deleted. It doesn’t stay hidden behind a flag banner forever.

It happens on the regular basis to most of the people, as opposed to what we’re seeing here, which is that it’s happening occasionally in general, and more frequently to a handful of people.

Okay, I guess we can “agree to disagree” on that one. There are forums that work that way. There are forums that work this way. Both approaches can work well. Both approaches can fail to work.

If you’re referring to the discussion we’re seeing in this thread – and we’ve seen in other threads before – it’ll probably stop when people give up on it.

Like it or not, this is the way moderation works on these forums. I created this topic to explain in better detail how it works, so people will understand it better.

If people disagree with the way it works, well, basically the answer is “tough luck”. People who claim it’s broken or systematically abused haven’t really presented a convincing argument.

Long story short, there doesn’t seem to be much point to continuing trying to change the minds of people who are determined to be convinced that this system is broken or systematically abused, because those people are either not receptive to arguments or they simply disagree with the system itself.


No, your not. But its not worth arguing here. Funcom provides a party game inside this forum. Its called: “flag me if you can -”.

I am not calling names for a reason, but there are a handfull of people on that forum that flag the hell out of posts from certain “unwanted” forum users. Its a form of harresments, but ofc nobody would ever admit doing it.

So arguing about a feature that shouldn´t exist because it can be to easily exploited with people that hide behind that feature to get certain people silenced leads nowhere.

Best to ignore those people and move on. They can´t help themself other then beeing right all the time. I personally allways say what I wanna say in my posts. No matter if my posts get flagged or not. I do not edit out of principle and I do not bow down to certain people on this forum that wants me to s… up.

I don´t know if majority of users that post here on a regular basis are coming from oversea´s. But I have found that most are not used to the european way of saying things. They need their sugar coating politeness and feel easily offended when not given. Sugar coating is nothing Europeans are spending time with. So therefore flags are invoidable. If there comes a personal bias into it, it then goes out of control almost every time you post something.


Oh I can’t agree with that, some overly offensive stuff needs to be hidden immediately.

Well It’s kind of hard to unhide it once it’s deleted isn’t it?

And you know this; link, or are assuming it?

Look, we agreed,

Which is not what I am doing and can’t seem to get it through to you. Well I’ll concede this “or systematically abused” not sure I’d go as far as systemic.

Cattibria, when was the last time I thanked you all for your magnanimous discretion?

I’m on a diet, I try to avoid sugar coatings :grin:

Funny, I was born and grew up in Europe. Not just Europe, but Eastern Europe, where we definitely don’t sugar-coat things. And yet, we also didn’t have the urge to be gratuitously crappy to each other when discussing things.

I mean, okay, some did. The schoolyard bullies, for example :wink:

It’s not really a difference between Europe and other continents. People are capable of being polite everywhere. They’re capable of joking around without being rude. They’re capable of staying on-topic when it’s better to do so and going off-topic when it’s not a big deal.

In short, people are capable of having civil discussions everywhere.

On the flip side, there are people all over the world who don’t want to do that and will do everything in their power to convince others that they’re the victims when their behavior isn’t tolerated.

This isn’t a cultural thing.


I’d like to ask for a side bar.

I’ll say it’s a cultural thing, it’s an era thing, its a city thing, it’s a rural thing, it’s a social class thing, it’s a height thing, it’s a hair color thing, but apparently the thing it’s not is tolerant and understand.

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so it is possible to suspend someone using multiple accounts?.

i hope the system is able to check the ip address before suspending automatically.

Hmm make sence . Now I understand .how the guy managed to suspend me.

in this case, all the people who practice this deserve to be banned definitively?

People should remember this ^^^ as the answer to a few questions from this thread. Its likely the most accurate answer we will see, since its coming from a forum moderator who deals with the specific issue.

This, then…

…especially “1 user with trust level 3” is incorrect. It may be the “default settings” for the flag system, but clearly as Cattibria has pointed out, one person cannot flag a comment and get it hidden.

Hopefully this clears it up a bit for people!

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Doesn´t matter if able or not. Ip adresses can be changed in seconds via vpn. If someone is using another pc even checking the hardware ID´s is a useless endavor.

It stands to say that Funcom can not control if one person is flagging others with several accounts or not, therefore the system shouldn´t exist. Everybody who wants to abuse the flagging system can easily do so.


Let’s see.

On the one hand, we have the possibility that there are people who tend to post stuff that doesn’t really conform to community guidelines and therefore they get flagged more often than others.

On the other hand, we have the possibility that there are people who set up multiple accounts, access them via different VPNs, keep them active and in good standing, and use them to hide certain posts all by themselves. Which can then get undone by any mod who sees those posts in their flag queue. Not to mention that it could cause the mods to take a closer look at this pattern of flagging and ban the abusers.

Yeah, you’ve totally convinced me that the latter is more likely than the former. :laughing:

See, this is exactly what I was referring to when I said that there are people who just don’t want to have a civil discourse and will come up with all sorts of theories about how they are really the victims of abuse. Thanks for illustrating my point so beautifully.

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Hey I’d really like to see who’s claiming to be a victim, can you link me to that post or posts.

And whom, when was that claimed.

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so I invite everyone to speak in private

So give an alternative that can’t be abused. Give me a solution that -I- cannot abuse.

Everyone who doesn’t like the current system try giving some ideas. Lets see it.

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