Anarchy and Beauty (Full-RP)

Out of curiosity I made a character on this server and have spent a few days leveling and exploring. Over all, not a bad experience.

Leveling is slow, which is a nice change. However, unless you engage in combat, you’ll take forever to level. The server settings around xp, which can be seen at the link ConantheRoleplayer posted in this thread, incentivize you to go out and grind against mobs if you want to level. Given that there are no mods, the combat is the janky mess that is on the official servers. Speaking for me personally, with my arthritic fingers and slow reaction times, it’s a challenge. Sometimes more of one than I think is warranted, given the server settings, but ymmv.

Judging by the number of intact structures, ranging from sandstone to T3, I saw in my short exploration, raiding doesn’t seem to be a problem. Hopefully that means the player community is much nicer than you would find on official pvp. I say hopefully because I didn’t encounter another player while I was logged in. I did see that a couple others were logged in via the player list, but the server settings don’t reveal player names. Add that to a lack of global chat, it would seem to make it hard to develop any sense of community. I suppose that’s happening on the discord, as well as any OOC discussions/coordination amongst characters. If I decide to stay on the server I’ll join, but I didn’t feel it was worth it while I’m unsure of my long term plans.

In summary, if you like slow progression, challenging combat, and want a server that is not over built, check it out.

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An addendum to my original post: crafting is sloooooww. Especially thrall conversion: a T4 crafter takes over 10 hours without a taskmaster.

Not that I can tell.

Oh, and for those curious, I did end up joining the discord. However there’s no player interaction - it’s just for announcements & news.

I’m sorry that you’re in that situation. Hopefully you two can resolve whatever the issue is.

I agree that communication, both IC and OOC, is problematic with this server. I understand what they are getting at by trying to enhance immersion by forcing players to communicate in game and IC. However, in my experience with RP servers, there needs to be a certain amount of OOC coordination, especially if you have multiple people wanting to participate in, or help create, storylines. Having someplace out of game where players can interact, like forums or discord, also helps if people want to flesh out their background story and share it with others

Complicating all that, at least for me, is the fact that it’s a PvP server, which automatically puts me in a wary mindset. I’m used to solo play on PvP servers, so keeping a low profile and avoiding other players is 2nd nature when I’m in that environment. It’s hard to let that go and not expect to get murdered on sight, or your base raided, if your spotted by other players.

All that said, they are generous enough to be sharing their server and their interpretation of the game, so we should both appreciate the generosity and respect their vision. After all, if we don’t like it we aren’t obligated to stay.

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The server will be closed for maintenance tomorrow April 3rd, from 3 am to 5 am GMT

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So, Funcom broke their game again, and the only thing I found I could fix so far was to turn the fatality mechanic off on Anarchy&Beauty.
The stamina regeneration that I tweaked before, seems to be working as intended and ignores the update. That is good.

I’ll see what else I can do on the server maintenance tonight. Presumably not much.
I wasn’t going to install the mods I wanted while the population growing on the server, but looks like I will have to now, to fix at least what I still can.

Enjoy the Chapter 4 my dear felloes, and let the torment continue!

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A few words on the server future plans

:feather: Once the population grows enough, some mods will be installed.

Those will never modify the game itself, but only fix what Funcom haven’t fixed, and also serve the purpose to increase the player interaction in RP and the survival nature of the server:

  • Nameplates Off - removes the annoying Steam nameplates, that only ruins the immersion. This will allow making alts (see below)
  • Speech Bubbles - adds bubbles with text over the heads of characters when they speak
  • Ravencrest Couriers - allows to leave notes on claimed land and even send mail to other players (along with other unnecessary stuff that I will likely remove)
  • Severe Weather - will make the proper clothing matter again.
  • Something I can’t find to animate the characters when speaking (like in WoW), and also make pets (not only thralls) alive with more advanced behaviour and patrolling routes - please let me know if you’re aware of the mods for that.

:feather: Introduce alt characters.

(with some restrictions against gaining the advantage in PVP)
This may also require a mod.

:feather: Introduce donations.

That will never grant any advantages to those who choose to donate, but instead will allow me to:

:feather: Move the server to a better data center.

With higher quality equipment, the overall performance will increase.

These are but outlines of what I have on mind about the Anarchy and Beauty evolution, nothing here is curved in stone. Some of these may be introduced way sooner, while some may never be at all.
I will announce all such changes in advance.

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Mods on the server

The Nameplates Off mod (28 kB) has been installed on Anarchy & Beauty.
This one hides the SteamID on characters, that will allow playing multiple characters on the server (the so called alts) later on.

Also this week there will be installed the Speech Bubbles!
More mods will come later (all super lightweight and proven to be stable).

I will give the every mod some time to settle and make sure they work fine before moving for the next one.

Bare in mind that for now on, you will need to tick that Show Servers With Mods box in the server list, to find Anarchy & Beauty!

Speech Bubbles is installed, your characters can talk now!

You can type /bubble_config and configure the mod to your liking.
Here are the recommended settings:

It’s also recommended you bind Enter key to Local chat (instead of the default Num *) since we don’t use the Global chat on Anarchy and Beauty anyway.

Next week there will come Severe Weather (23 Mb) and SandstormEx (1.3 Mb) that will accent the survival nature of the server.

The storm is getting stronger!

SandstormEx mod (1.3 Mb) has been installed on the server:

  • The sandstorm now takes different routes at random.
  • You get a little damage even through the breathing mask!
  • Demonic creatures may be spawned in storm.
  • The storm now will occur a little less frequent.

It also will cause slight increase in temperature once the Severe Weather is installed (it will be in a few days).

It’s getting worse!

Severe Weather mod (23 Mb) has been installed on Anarchy and Beauty:

  • The weather exposure is now more extreme.
  • Proper food and clothing matter!
  • Nights are cold and dark, as it used to be before the Age of War, so grab that torch or make a fire!
  • Shades will help the heat and shelter help the cold.
  • Seasons change weekly: moderate - hot/dry - moderate - cold/wet.

If you encounter some technical problems with the mods, please let me know on

Severe Weather mod has been removed.

More mods will be installed once I am done with testing them in single-player: SnowstormEx, Ravencrest Couriers and MultiChar.

Also I removed the second daily restart to not interrupt the game and the immersion in the most occupied hours. It is now only once a day at 5 am GMT.

Winter is coming

SnowstormEx mod (7.5 Mb) has been installed.

In the northern biomes there will now occasionally come blizzard, which is just like sandstorm but, you know - with snow!

Exiled Lands postal service :dove:

The Ravencrest Couriers mod (170 Mb) has been installed on Anarchy and Beauty.

This is the most complex out of the list of mods I wanted to install so far, but it solves the most important need that opens many roleplay possibilities:

  • You can leave notes on territories claimed by other clans
  • You can send pigeons with messages to other players
  • You may have mailboxes to collect your correspondence
  • You can send secret sealed dispatches
  • You can write books with images or draw a map!
  • Birds can be trained to be used for tracking (for hunt and PvP)
  • Some furniture and other fun placeables added

You will find two new feats under Decoration tab. For placing birds and the new placeables you need to double-tap them from the inventory!

Three Heads are Better than One!

The MultiChar Reloaded mod (900 Kb) has been installed .

  • You can now have three characters per player.
  • You obviously can’t control more than one at once.
  • You may not have more than one character in a clan!
    (all three may join different clans though)
  • You may delete/recreate your characters to try something new!

:feather: While you can use the Ctr-Shft-S hotkeys to enter character selection menu, I highly recommend you log out to the main menu instead, as usual, then log back to the server and choose another character to switch. Otherwise I can not guarantee that nothing funny happens to your character!

:feather: After deleting/recreating characters in the selection menu, please hit that Reload button in the upper right corner of the screen, otherwise the menu may stall.

If something decays while you are playing another character, I will not help.

If you delete a character by a mistake, I will not help with that.

In case of problems with the mods, please contact me on

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Transportory Stones have been disabled

No more teleports (just like no map rooms) on the server, for enhancing exploration, interaction and ~ roleplay.

:warning: Note for those who have already built the Transportory Pads:

  • Remove your teleports until next Friday, 17th of May
  • Leftover Pads will be force deleted without the material refunds
  • Any usage of the teleports (despite the feat block and the Pads removal) will result in loss of your character and the account ban.

The Avatars have also been disabled on Anarchy and Beauty

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The Weather is Severe

Severe Weather mod (23 Mb) has been reinstalled with different settings:

  • Temperature expose is minimal in starting zones and gets heavier in higher level zones, with maximum severity in snowy north.
  • Climate seasons change every IRL week, making an IRL month a full ingame year circle.
  • Shades and shelter, proper clothes and food will help to hide from bad weather.
  • Chilly darker nights.

Make sure you have it in you before trying to survive on our server!


Due to lack of interest, I’m shutting down the server.