Just so you’re aware, this is a well-known issue. The devs have said that (at some point) they’re looking to change falling damage for pets so that it’s percentage based, not fixed amounts.
Personally, I wish they’d just make pets immune to environmental damage altogether. No dying from falling off a cliffside or accidentally wandering into lava because of the pathing AI.
My greater bear died just walking next to me last night. No combat, 7 days of food, no warning, just one poof dead… I received the Greater Bear is no longer following you notice.
I’m guessing that it fell through the world. Did you happen to hit a lag spike at the time and/or crossing over one the “land bridges” that are around the map?
Nope. No lag. Since I added the SD drive I really don’t have many lag issues anymore. And I was able to farm his carcass. It doesn’t fit any of the bugs I know about.
I had the same issue. My greater wolf randomly died, I only knew because I noticed the ‘Greater wolf is no longer following you’ the body was there and lootable. As far as I can tell the game teleported him to catch up, and just put him far enough up the falling damage killed it.
1 more to add to your notes is that animals some how fall or just glitch inside the foundation cuz I found my great wolf and a camel inside my foundations that I was replacing with higher tier foundations.
If it’s a single foundation “deep” then you can do that. But for folks who have built up on several layers of foundations, pets and thralls can fall all the way through to the ground and become irretrievable unless you destroy the foundations to get down to them.