Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: none
Mods: Improved Quality of Life 3.4.9
Bug Description:
Animals taking random food from trough that is not part of their diet
Bug Reproduction:
Add a food trough. Fill with random food (eg berries, savoury flesh, raw pork, honey). Have several pet types that feed from the trough that have empty inventories (eg. Hyena, rhino, bear, cat, wolf, shaleback). Wait a while and check what items they take from the trough.
Have you checked the server settings re PETS and " Exclusive Diet"?
This Server setting that “Companions have different diets. Enabling this means they’ll only be able to eat those items. Leaving it disabled lets them eat anything.”
Check that with the Server Admin (if it’s not you).
Also I’d reset the server to make sure it was active. I’ll keep an eye out for it today, but I’m sure they’re still taking things that they shouldn’t do.