Pets take EVERYTHING from food troughs

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online private
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Misc
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvE
Region: USA

Pets are taking everything out of the food trough, even stuff that is not on their diet. My Rocknose, for example, filled its inventory with meats, honey, and berries. When all it eats are stone and crystals. My hyenas and tigers are also taking honey, berries, and other stuff not on their diets.

Which means the pets that actually eat this stuff aren’t getting it. Also, they’re sucking it out of the trough as fast as it can be put in and they are maxxing out their inventories with food now. I think this is because their food meter is at 0/100 even though they now have 23 days worth of food on them. I think they still keep thinking they need more food.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Tame pets
  2. Put assorted foods in pet trough
  3. Wait until pet food meter hits 0/100
  4. Pets take EVERYTHING (even stuff they don’t eat) and don’t stop

It means that pets and thralls eat anything.

All of my pets and thralls are on a steady diet of honey.

First question … as always … is your private server running any mods?

I play on an official pve server and I found that when I placed two pets out this morning, they took only 5 pieces from the feed tray. But note this was only a panther and spotted hyena…so not ruling out that a specific pet model might be bugged…
Initially they took honey as that was the first item in the tray and it did not hold one of their preferred foods.
When I put in feral flesh and confiscated their honey, they took feral flesh, even though I had placed savoury fish as first item top left of food box. So for me with those two it’s working.

Yesterday or day before I placed out a Greater Bear and loaded him with honey …he has only eaten about 13 of it so far.

Placed out a rhino (non-special white one) this morning and he took 5 honey as well…but I confiscated that and gave him berries so can’t say what else he might have taken if left to pick for himself.

If not running mods, then have a look at the settings for pet hunger/feeding…if they are consuming a lot of food then perhaps that’s been altered on a server level. One of the patch notes for pets gave the variables that can be altered.

Edit: last I read pets altered with the dlc skins were bugged with their eating … I think it removed their diet options and they didn’t feed … are any of the pets altered?

Is your setting for special diet marked? Because if it’s not, they are going to eat whatever they can.
(Last setting in Hunger/Feed system.)

They are like the thralls and will eat most anything. The trick is to make sure that they have the preferred food in the trough and at least a 7 day supply. They will build up a 7 day 10 hour count down clock for starvation once the are fully fed. The thralls are the same way.

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