Another Thursday without an update in Consoles

You already know many of you which is my opinion with this issue of the update on consoles, sorry to keep saying the same thing but Conan Exiles is unplayable on consoles that not only based on the new map, console players want arrangements of slaves, undermesh and many more things that currently the frustration of the players are reaching a limit as we have been waiting 7 months plus what is left that as seen is in an uncertain future, unreliable information and many hopes that have made us even more desperate with the subject.

*Funcom I know you do the best you can but I comment this as a player who knows a lot of PS4/PS5 console players and the opinion will not be very different with xbox players and tell you that if you wait much longer, many but many players will stop playing your game.

I really hope for the early release of the update on consoles and end this hatred and despair of the game.


Oui exactement J’ai supprimer le jeu pas intéressant de jouer contre des joueur qui sont sous la maps

I’m sure Funcom are working on the changes for the console update as best and as quick as they can. I’m sure as soon as it is finished they will submit to Sony. I am setting my expectations to about two weeks or so. I really don’t think the turn around would be a matter of days…we should be patient.


Toda la razĂłn, dejad trabajar a funcom.

Thank you !

Il on pas fait de mise a jour depuis l’année dernière normal qu’il on beaucoup trop travail !! Un jeu il faut l’entretenir !! Surtout un jeu de Survie qui prend énormément de temp !!

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I’m going to keep saying it. I think Funcom would be wise to give us 1.5x or 2x gathering until patch. It might make people more patient while they wait for the patch. PC got double gathering recently. How about the console community?

It was said on twitter that the update for console won’t be certified this month. Funcom wants to deliver the patch as much as you do.

I instantly went to look for that tweet, and did not find anything.

I read April for some reason. The actual tweet was posted on 31st of march. Hope I didn’t jinxed it :sweat_smile:

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Hahah thats ok it happens. You did break my heart for a second there :’)

Que no te engañen ese tuit es del 31 de marzo, lógicamente era el último día de mes. No sé refiere a abril, tranquilos que habrá actualización y mapa nuevo, dejadlos trabajar

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