Anti-Corruption Weapon/Armor

We need Anti-Corruption items in this game.

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Already in the game. It’s called Dancers.

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I never bring dancers with me anywhere because they can get cut down in an instant.

Hearts of heroes from in the city are for this

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Dress them in the same Epic Heavy armor you’d give a fighter thrall. I took Luba the Luscious with me to fight the Undead Dragon and she did just fine.

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there is also a beverage that takes away some corruption. You can craft it but i dont remember the name.

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Cleansing Brew. I spawn it in a lot.

Champion armor, the legs i belive, slowly removes corruption.


Really? Never knew that. Should test that.

Religion’s Hallowed Weapons could fit the role :smiley:

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You’re right, I forgot that. Last time I took a dancer with me, Lifeblood Spear was still a useful item.

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Why not the hearts of heroes? I have 2 chests of them…

Maybe the Scorpion Harness helps? The 4th peak of survival does it for sure!

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Every hero has a chest with a heart within.

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I think thats a nice idea. We got heat and cold protection even though there is food and drinks to mitigate that, so the argument that there is dancers and hearts is kind of weak. But make it an armor fitting and do the same for hot/cold.

There is also a anti-poison armor right? Even though there is antidotes in the game… :wink:

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As @Wak4863 found out, this anti poison armor (Scorpion chest) works like a cleansing armor for thralls. Suddenly they could wield this corrupted weapons…

The survival peak 4 works for human players too… dont know about scorpion harness

Here is the thread with the info you’re looking for.

There are also weapons that cause cleansing which will cleanse both corruption and poison.

Not in Hanuman cave, the hero has a chest full of gorillas, apes and yetis pets. But exchange it with hearts.

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