Any protection for thralls against ACID arrows?

Is there any protection I can give my thralls in my base from acid arrows? I loaded them all up with sandstorm masks and some god breaker helmets for poison but last I heard acid arrows go through those.

If not, basically farming thralls for your base is useless if a player knows to make acid arrows instead of poison??

:point_right: There is no armour protection.

Acid arrows destroy their mask and then starts to kill them. But it’s something that takes time. The god breaker helmet is very difficult to break.

Ohhh is that how it works? So if I give them god breaker with the armour durability I should be good unless they load up on acid arrows


There’s a difference between friendly fire damage and hostile. If you play pvp god breaker is very necessary to thralls that worth to be protected. If you place and a master durability kit even better. If you play pve-c or pve and you need it for purges, i have different suggestions.
Yogite mask and set mask give gas protection as well. But Yogite mask sometimes goes nuts and doesn’t work :slightly_frowning_face:. For purges it’s better however to use gas arrows and not acid, because the archers hurt their whole armor with acid arrows and the damage npcs gain is not so important between these 2 arrows. Npcs armor doesn’t melt :man_shrugging:.

I play PVP, I’m trying to prepare for when I get raided. Acid arrows do damage regardless of godbreaker helmet/ sandstorm mask is my question. Since NPC armour doesn’t break I’m not sure that what you said applies to thralls with sandstorm masks?? I’m not worried about purges for now. Just straight pvp

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Yes on pvp acid arrows hurt the mask of the thralls , after it’s broken hurts your thralls too.
So the greater the durability of the mask, the longest your thralls will be hurt from the noxious fog of acid arrows.
Allow me to call pvp masters to guide you better here.
@SirDaveWolf, @Kikigirl, @Dzonatas, guide us please!

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Acid arrows reduce the durability of items down to 0 then are removed from being equipped. Masks have low durability so are removed fairly quickly.

So no, there is no true protection for thralls from acid.


Isn’t God breaker mask with master durability kit, giving you time to return and defend better than any other mask?

Absolutely, if you can defend in time of course.

Both would be contingent on you being online and able to defend.

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And since offline is meta… :roll_eyes:


Not to mention you won’t know till someone dies or broken through if you are out and about. Event log doesn’t tell you you are under attack just went something goes away


That’s exactly is why i was using spiders, they are annoying, and die easy. So they alert your inventory log :man_shrugging:. Some pets are more useful than you imagine :wink:

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Hey thanks for helping, I thought all thrall armour / and weapons took no damage. Thanks!


I still pine for the times that the event log allowed us to see guarding followers being disturbed. The strategy of game started dying when they pulled that feature away.

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