Anything out there like Conan Exiles?

Well they both have sand and are made by funcom.

There is Citadel Forged in Fire. (the OP didn’t specify a good game) It’s much like CE but with finger wiggling and broomstick riding.

Gportal offer Scum servers so my guess is that it does support for private servers besides their dedicated servers :slight_smile:
I have also owned Scum for many years but stopped playing because their pvp servers were a bit toxic + I was getting so tired of zombie games, it is almost as if more than half of every new survival game is a about zombies :joy:

Apparently gportal is the only option until after early access is over… which has been how long? I’ll keep my eye on it if it ever goes full release and adds a dedi launcher. They already got my money anyway.

Well, if you want to go the Zombie game route, and you like base building and working with NPCs, there’s also State of Decay 2. Its considered the “least” horror game in the zombie genre (focuses more on ‘action’ than ‘surprise’).

The bases are in fixed locations, and lots can be “upgraded” with a few limited choices. NPCs do fill up your base (but you are only allowed a certain number depending on the “size” of the location you choose to inhabit. State of Decay 2 has a good premise, but Conan Exiles has way, way more freedom in base location and design, and the number of NPCs you can have and what they do.

State of Decay 2 does have a “purge” system though if your base makes too much noise – which is pretty cool. There are patrols of wandering zombies to watch out for (which Conan Exiles could use – wandering patrols, not the zombie part).

I enjoyed the State of Decay 2 game, too – and the company is planning on a State of Decay 3, but that game was announced a few years ago and they’ve been quiet about it ever since.

The question is: What does being like Conan Exiles mean to you? In my case, as someone who greatly enjoys the PvE aspect of the game, I’d say the closest to Conan Exiles is Pax Dei (which hasn’t been released yet). I’ve played Medieval Dynasty, and unfortunately, it doesn’t manage to deliver the same experience as Conan Exiles. I say “unfortunately” because I genuinely wish for a game that matches the quality of Conan Exiles. Mystery Mask (not yet released) is making a strong effort to bring an experience similar to Conan, but it still has a long way to go to reach where Conan has already arrived. Unfortunately, Conan is unique, and the worst part is realizing that Funcom already considers it a “dead” game, focusing energy on a new franchise that nobody is quite sure what to expect. I believe the end of the Conan Exiles cycle will leave many “orphans” as it will be challenging for a new game to provide the same experience as Conan Exiles.

TBH, zombies are the easiest AI to code. They are Zombies. Brain dead. So the logic of pathing, movement, aggro is explained away thru that. That is why, imo, they are so prevalent in open world survival type games.

SCUM has dedicated servers. What is is lacing in is an Admin Panel. I’m waiting for the to drop and then I’ll be opening a server or 4.

Let me rephrase that; dedicated server that I can host at home. If they have this, I cant find it and would set one up lickety split if I had a link to it.

Not yet. That will be coming out with the Admin panel update.

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Stay in Conan exiles and come next year to tell me if you managed to explore and learn the surface.

Myth of Empires


I take it with your eyes closed if you are lucky to have it on a console (you shouldn’t dream, alas). I have watched in games in games of the beta version, honestly a pleasure with a deep and immersive game play.

Myth of Empires is the closest one. Just start solo PVE and enjoy. If you can :smiley:

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