AoW.3 Ruins of al-Merayah

I just started playing on this map until I got to this area.

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Ayesh, this one would agree that the rewards are not worth it…
If this one had no PvP experience.

The rewards still aren’t that grand, not at the moment. The economy needs more building to make those coins actually useful. But there are signs it may go in that direction.

The biggest danger is lag.
The boss can kill one quite quickly if one is not paying attention or has a bad bout of new combat system over swing.

The fortress itself…
Well, it reminds this one of other players’ bases in one fundamental respect. One can often acquire the tools to destroy it from within the base itself.

It’s actually fairly good training wheel scenario for PvP. Learning how to deal with anti-climb, grubbing off the enemy’s own supplies, knowing what build pieces have how many HP and how best to reduce that number to 0.

This one does feel that the loot should be improved a bit. Give the Commander a Legendary Weapon perhaps? Or have a legendary chest or two in the treasure room?

Nimlot’s xp value is basically a trap. Follower thralls may well get butchered on the way in by the unending clown car of Stygian defenders.
The massive amount of coins can also be a trap unless you are already in an encum- er, expertise build.

to have a thrall hit level 20 that need otherwise 5h of killing of monkey or skeleton is not an an enough reward in killing commander ? and if this commander drop thing to do heavy armor, is it an hazard ? and the 4 free bomb + the dragon powder that the commander can drop, and a deadly legendary katana in courtyard at each run no good ?

and yes difficulty is to make survive your thrall, which is doable as i trained 40 thralls with this event, and if there was no risk to have his thrall killed it will make this event too easy and unbalanced. Now that i discovered all secrets of this castle and invested the time needed for it, i can chain it and farm it in 10 mn now, training 2 thralls each 10mn. so i am not sure this is a good idea to give more loot than the 2 vaults full of bombs that i already have :wink:

and gold coins are very usefull for doing purge :slight_smile: and present later your cornag or sonja to the hand of war to hit level 20

I’ve been running it only to level my thralls but, where exactly is that Katana?

No it is not enough reward because thralls are useful primarily as decorations.
If you do love your Authority build, then perhaps you may find it worthwhile. But for most players, this one would say no.
The Dragon powder is ok, but not worth the effort when it can be framed easier in other ways.
As for Purge triggering coins… That is easy enough to max out without storming the base here. By the time one is of level to make this easy, the coins are no longer needed.

@Mad_hornet28 The Katana mentioned, isn’t even in the main building. It’s in one of the side buildings against one of the curtain walls. If someone needs a map, @Wak4863 has a walkthrough in one of his videos on YouTube. This one thinks it is the zero-max level thrall video he takes the side trek to get it.

That’s part of the joy and the issue…
The best loot; the Katana, and (PvP only) the Ram and Explosives are easy to get without ever bothering the central vault.


thralls have been nerfed for sure, and it was an error of balance (you can find my feedback about that when they nerfed thralls :slight_smile: ) but on pvp server offline defense is only thralls, and lots of thralls level 20 can give you TIME before you log in (which will be no more than 20mn in current state of the game with around 100 thrall), so its why was need an event allowing to level fast thrall, because when you can loose 100 thralls in 20-30mn it’s problem to have to take 5h to train again each of them…

as said legendary weapons is in courtyard and no need to watch youtube as i prefer to play by myself and yes i agree, that in current state it can be took before the end bpss but well that the first time i see funcom put on feet something not totally unbalance, and even if you chain it in actual state the siege can not be abused, and if you try loot only the courtyard there is risk too

i personnaly found this siege fun & for one time balanced (well trying for real too), and I had hard time to make survive my thrall untill the final boss and no dont gve more bombs than the one we can get in this siege (because we can do more bomb in farming and that is good, either you farm bomb either you train thralls)

in the inner courtyard, in a little room near the wall, near barrels,
i think @LostBrythunian answered a bit to you too when he said that wak did a video about it.

That is fair. This one generally writes the entire build off as lost if this one is offline during the raid window. But each to their own and others in clans may have very different wants/needs.

This one personally still thinks the rewards for the boss could use boosting. Not a whole lot, but at the moment, things that are more PvE utile.
This will all go out the window if they continue developing the tavern and in game economy. Gold coins could easily become a very utile resource and rolling the local branch of the Bank of Stygia may become an integral part of play loops then.

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Something stinks like politics on this thread. Hmmm.

Losing battles, but winning the war.

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There is actually a way you can farm this in about 5-10 mins by taking down only 1 wall. I am on official pvp. Stocking up on gold coins, battering rams, and the legendary blade :slight_smile:

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You can bypass all the cren entirely and don’t even need double jump.

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Yep. Just 1 battering ram and some end game arrows and you cankill boss quickly.

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