Al meriyah is awful

Al meriyah is a failure, no doubt about it. As an xbox player, al meriyah is a serious issue to which the game would be improved significantly if it just didnt exist. Building within render range is a no deal, as framerate tanks in the vicinity, add in extra work of a full player base and this region becomes a slide show, move further away you still notice significant framedrops when looking in the direction of al meriyah from as far away as the sinkhole. Ontop of this part of al meriyah spawn awkwardly, standimg at white tiger in savannah, you can see base, outer perimiter and 9 or so floating gold piles, but no towers that gold piles are inside, this looks amateur and unproffessional. This is on a series x in performance mode. I am aware quality improves render, but is unplayable here. Also sieging this a disaster that most of.the community plainly avoids, rubbish rewards, paired with rediculous risk and op spawn rates make it a no go. Maelstrom is worth assualting, al meriyah is not. Lastly al meriyah is just plain ugly, its an eyesore.on a beautiful desolate landscape.

So what to do?

Here is my proposal. Al meriyah is too big, so step 1.

Break al meriyah down into 3 smaller forts at 3 different locations. Maybe design based on egyptian fort/roman villa?

1st fort down south along river or jungle, made from t1 materials, 20 or so guards with a few pets/hyenas. Boss is a ritualist, wielding a hardened steel weapon that is droppable, the ritualist will have boosted health maybe 800-1000. Enemies will not respawn until boss vanquished or invaders killed. This will be a great challenge to wet the teeth of new players.

Fort 2, location al meriyah, slightly bigger than first fort. This fort will be t2 materials. 25ish guards, 1 skull wolves wolves as pets. Mixture of black hand and jhebbal sag. Health boosted to 450. Boss will be boatswain with 1200 hp drop star metal great axe, plus one grand master weapon kit, and will be guarding a carryable treasure loot, maybe chest as pirates? Again, no respawns umtil complete or failure.

Last fort.

Frozen north, east side. Maybe move blue dragon down imto frozen trenches where weaker rockslides live.
It will be built from stomglass and styled on one of the smaller siptah ruins on volcanic isle siptah. 30-35 accursed and yakith pets, boss will be a champion accursed dalinsia, wielding legendary mace with 2745 health. She will be supported by two strong yakith 2000hp. As this is the final fort winning here will unlock 3 legendary chests, a fitting reward for significant challenge.

All forts.wont respawn enemies until either the fort is complete and the player vacated or players defeated.

Keep it small, huge bases are no fun if fighting in them is a slideshow.

Well thats my tencents


The fortress is much too big for what it does. By Funcom’s own rules, it would probably be considered “spammy”.

So many rooms… without anything in it. So many walls… you can just jump or climb. So much respawn and lag… you cannot avoid.

Also, it’s butt ugly.

Back on Test Live, I already suggested to make the base much, much smaller and get some creative builder on it. Their reaction then, sadly, is likely to be their reaction now: nothing.


Back on Test Live, I already suggested to make the base much, much smaller and get some creative builder on it. Their reaction then, sadly, is likely to be their reaction now: nothing.

They don’t listen to Feedback, it was pointed months ago when they introduces the Darfari II NPC turning.


yep, it is a failure… even though I have no lag issues when getting there, I only did it once for the Sacred Hunt event and the boss in the cave.

For Al-Merayah: Get rid of the outer wall…soldiers schouldn’t respawn constantly or at least not at that frequency. The forts on Siptah are much smaller too.

Also, make that thing an event! It only spawns when the event is active…the rest of the time the old ruins are present.
And taking the idea of the OP into account, create 2 more of these forts and during the event they represent different tiers of difficulty…

I disagree. I thought it looked nice.

I, however, agree that it has too many empty rooms. It could be smaller to accomplish the same efffect.

About this fortress.
In the beginning i have to say i was very disappointed, that’s a fact.
I simply love it.
I don’t care if it’s beautiful or not, neither if the rooms are empty, i really don’t care.
Like every other thing in this game, Al Mera yah has its points of interest and i am after them :woman_shrugging:t4:.
The fortress indeed seems to be spammy, but is it really?
In my experience, whenever i did the round and kill all the enemies, then i had no spawns again, or at least not so massive as they were when i targeted the doors at once.
So the way it is right now it offers you two chances.
1 hit partial and have spawn madness
2 hit perimetrical and control the spawn.
I have hit this fortress with every possible way.
I had fun with all the ways except one… When i hit with thralls.
So this fortress is for “warriors fun” not so for “commanders fun”.
If commanders don’t like it, it’s ok, but warriors love it so leave it be and move on.
Al Mera yah is a gem!

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I don’t want to hurt your feelings but the game works OK on a PC.
Consoles are dead.
Most likely there won’t be another X-box.
And Sony ports all their exclusives to PC… because they want to sell lots of copies and console market is very small - so they say.

From my point of view things are coming back to normal.
Consoles held progress of video games for too long.

As for the fortress itself, did they fix it? I can’t get through even in god mode, shit respawns too quick.

:thinking: If al-Merayah is awful …

… then what is this? :see_no_evil:

Very efficient use of a small footprint. :laughing:


There really needs to be an option to toggle Al meriyah on or off.


This one doesn’t think it is awful.
However, it does not model good behavior for others building on officials.
It does tax many servers to load and populate.
This one thinks it is actually well designed for a historic adjacent looking fortress. It has concentric curtain walls with gate houses and (this is the impressive part) despite being asymmetrical it mostly fits together.

What it is missing is sleeping quarters, wells, supply depots, ect… Basically furniture.
But that would greatly aggravate the laggy problem.

Now, the problem come up in a few places.

  1. The main prizes are easy to steal without bothering with the boss or any enemies at all. Musashi’s Black Blade and plenty of explosives. The money is only a bonus
  2. Realistic fortress designs are utterly indefensible in this game
  3. It shoved out some area that used to be nice for building (the lake with skulls)
  4. The lag is made worse with overbuilt FOBs around it… But making it no build would strip the ability to use siege weapons
  5. There is no substantial reward for defeating the boss

So, while this one wouldn’t consider it an unmitigated disaster, it does feature several curious decisions and highlights some weaknesses of the PvP Raid system, without tagging it’s strengths.
But at least it reminds us Conan was a thief as well as a warrior.

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may its because the purge abusers every one moving to pillars, i have a pretty tower near the lake and have to move to a high rock, had to put a lot off pillars to sustain it and it is now horrible to look from outside

You know, that is funny.

Imagine that, a fort has too much space and too few used space.

Instead of having a guard tower for each guard, they dare have redundancy.

Instead of having the number of rooms exact for the use, they have spare rooms that people would be able to flee to.

Imagine that, they have several routes to the same place.

What kind of fort does that ?

Everyone ? Most of them ? The best ones ?