The area surrounding Al-Merayah should be no GIANT BASE zone

For the love of God why are people building gigantic castles five feet from the al-Merayah fortress? Better yet, why are they able to?

You want to talk about content blocking, Funcom? Let’s talk about how some of us can’t see the ground near al-Merayah because there are so many huge castles around it that the whole mesh turns to a giant blur. Let’s talk about how the NPCs are SO LAGGY inside and out that you can’t possibly fight them. Let’s talk about getting stuck on placeables you CANT SEE inside and dying because, wait for it, LAG.

Players, if you play on official and you have a giant monstrosity of a “castle” sitting next to al-Merayah, please know that you are an inconsiderate toad.


I play single player private mainly because of BS like this but in the defence of the Toad I use to have a little house up there too right next to that little puddle of water to the right of the castle according to the map but the developers decided to build a gigantic base there to ruin my view. So it’s always a small possibility the large bases were already there before Al-Meraya was. But if you are in fact still able to build there then that does need to be fixed .

Honestly, small buildings wouldn’t cause the massive issue we’re having. Transportory stones, small outposts? No biggie.

Whether these HUGE bases were there beforehand or not, they are literally hindering others from being able to enjoy one of the new features of the map. Reportable? Maybe for the special reporters :wink: but not for us normal people.

Personally, if I had some gigantic lag factory next to a new game feature, something other players need to be able to engage with, I’d move. Imagine that. :joy::joy:

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I’ve reported this gawd awful disco lit base built as close as you can get to the main gate. It’s 3 stories with 2 being archers posts for a dozen or so archer. That immediately got to attacking enemies in the Stygian fortress as soon as it renders in. And continue to do so piling up bodies till it lags out the entire area.

And don’t even think about raiding that Stygian base, those archers are counted as your party so the game cranks the enemies up to 11.

But hey it’s not a ToC violation, I guess. Has to actually be investigated first.

But my little hunting lodge built on the spire of swagger rock; the small flat facing the Stygian fortress; small enough to fit on it, vanished. “Lost stability”, has been there just like that since ch2 of the AoS.

But this is yet another post on the same subject we have been disusing since they intored the ToC.

Till funcom sets down at this table this is just another fart in the wind.

Always. I’m fully aware nothing will ever be done about complaints from peasants. It’s clear there are certain players who’s reports and complaints are heard and acted on immediately, while others are ignored.

I do think they should have had decent foresight before they created the fortress, to make the area around it unbuildable and wipe existing bases after a time. This was a major addition to the game that many cannot enjoy.

Players building massive castles near the al-Merayah fortress are causing significant content blocking issues in the game. The excessive structures are obstructing the view and causing lag, making it difficult to navigate and fight NPCs. Additionally, players are getting stuck on placeables due to the lag, resulting in frustrating deaths. If you’re playing on official servers and have a large castle near al-Merayah, please be considerate of other players and avoid contributing to these problems.

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How far out should the Al’Merayah exclusion zone reach?

This one has been extremely fortunate not to find anything other than temporary FOBs of modest size near it on the servers they haunt, but the issue is definitely exploitable.

The Stygian base itself is not modest. In size or server load.
Does anyone with a deeper knowledge of how server loads work have an actionable suggestion of what a good exclusion size would be?

It can’t reach too far or the trebuchets will be useless.
Of course we can use explosive jars instead, but this is probably the only reason PVE players have to use this siege weapon.

This is one of those cases where players must be considerate. We know how that usually goes…


On PVE it’s builds covering map squares, POIs, and lagging the server down to the point you can’t have more then half a dozen people on at a time.

When the beta server got the wipe, and we start fresh for the age of war, I had never seen a server run so smoothly, thralls follow and attack so nicely, or NPC’s actually having AI.

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My home server has had massive builds basically wiping out the elephant and rhino spawns. Now some dingaling blocked off the path to the spire. :triumph:

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Some dudes have shit for brains, @Rust .

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I can’t like this enough. Oy vey. If I wanted to I’ve got enough screenshots to start playing the shame game.

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I have folders. My reports are pretty thorough :flushed:

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Unfortunately until we get fancy servers we get to play as the police.

Or active mods.

This is a whole production now.

I was now checking out our 1051 (PVE) , around Al-Meryah I found 7 bases from 6 players/clans (one had both a small house and a kill-room for purges)
The worst one is this one , it’s an old base of our “friends” who built a second one on the mounds around our teleport

so one clan:

  • has two full-fledged bases.
  • one blocks access to the lion on the savannah, a few rhino spawns and brutally lowers the fps of the Stygian base but according to the decay timer they don’t use it anymore and just let it decay (44 hrs left compared to 192 for the other)
  • the second one blocked our teleport (now they are building temples all around) , they blocked completely the valley between the mounds and the north , technically they also blocked the access to the rotbranch

but everything is ok, right FC ?

Not sure if I’m interpreting the image correctly, but it looks like they’ve also despawned the tiger cubs. That spot (and the lion) would (logically) be unique or near unique spawns - afaik there’s only the one other lion on the map (north end of the crown grove - so a long way away), and I can’t remember any other guaranteed tiger cub spawns. Might be worth raising in your reports?

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They should all get the freaking boot.

Doesn’t matter if they are on the list. My conspiracy theory is there is a list of no touch whales that if a report comes in on they send out a “we so busy” email, and wont investigate. I fail to come up with any other explanation for it being quite obvious some players are above the ToC.

Yes I am casting about for explanations.

Ah yes, the hidden PvP aspect of PvE, hostile building.

It’s a bit odd. The siege weapons are probably the least effective and efficient way to pillage the base anyway.
While it is true that this is probably the only time most people on PvE will have any reason to use the trebuchet…
The trebuchet is still a far from optimal option.

The new ram gets a good showing, as does the utility of explosives. But this one finds the idea of using a Treb… Wasteful? Both in resources and especially time.

The ballista may be a bit better… But probably not.
Simply put, it’s a simple enough base to raid without such engines. That is not an insult against it’s design. While a bit bare, it is well constructed to actually look like a fortress. It’s quite large and the asymmetrical curtain walls connect correctly… Which is in and of itself impressive.

However, as this one has noted for some time, due to the realities of this game, things that look like a historical fortress are not at all defensible. One can bloody their knuckles knocking on the front door, but there are a host of other ways in. Safer, less resource intensive, ect…

This text wall is largely rumination about whether building near it is good or not.

On the one hand, this one hates arbitrary restrictions.
On the other, anything that can be exploited will be exploited. This one would prefer if there were a slider for intensity of building restrictions, rather than simply a binary. That way public servers could have a wider breadth around important areas and more protected zones, and private servers could choose how they want to address the matter.

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Yup. It’s worthless in that regard, but hitting the gates with demon fire feels AWESOME! Theoretically we should be able to bring down the whole fortress, looting the remains and killing the stragglers in the end. I would love to have thralls maning siege weapons and have 5 or 6 on continuous fire, until we burned al-Merayah to the ground. It would also be cool to have a high level purge triggering automatically after building in the vicinity of the fortress. It would go from level 5 to 10 increasing one level per game day after the first night.
That would solve the problem of overbuilding really fast. They would continue until the king was dead. They would restart on the next server boot.
But I seriously doubt official servers could hold with such event taking place…

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