The area surrounding Al-Merayah should be no GIANT BASE zone

They could just opt to make an open trebuchet base or two that you can build one on temporarily… say it resets when the base resets.

Those trebuchet bases being the only thing you could build upon or you would have a smart ass surrounding both with anti climbing or claiming the area the moment that was implemented, @jmk1999 . :smile:
I’m still amazed nobody enclosed the whole darn fortress so far, but you can be sure someone is at least planning to do it.

They’re the base for trebuchets… so it’s the only thing you can build on them. Also, they’d be a no land claim zone… like any forge, the chaosmouth, or the kurak teleport. You can only craft a trebuchet or ballista and that’s it.

That would do it, but seems a bit limiting, @jmk1999 .

Who cares? Do you really wanna be subjected to a bunch of super close, super large bases as an alternative?

I would prefer another solution, one more interesting. But probably it will stay just as it is.

Yeah, i wouldn’t get your hopes up.

Just another thing that would make the game fair and fun for most players, that funcom is not going to do.

You know like not only enforcing the ToC, but enforcing it with out bias would.

Anybody wanting to have a laugh, visit 2732. Check out what’s around al-Merayah there. (After you log back in from the 50/50 chance you’re gonna dashboard lol) There is a full fledged castle mere pixels from the front gate. :grin: It only gets worse around the sides. It’s wonderful!

This fortress is lagging even on single player without any build around it.
For official servers, rules exist. If costumer service approve the violation, Zendesk Admins will take care of it.
The game needs work on performance in many points right now. If they keep adding without optimizing correctly, the train is lost.


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