Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [East Coast]
Started playing Conan again after I saw the Jewel of the West DLC because I thought it looked really cool. Joined server 2736, and started my grind to get the Aquilonian Infantry armor. I got it, and kept going through the tiers until I reached steel. Traveled across the desert with rawhide rope and dragged a tier 3 armorer and blacksmith thrall to my wheel of pain. Started to get excited because I wanted the increased vitality on the Infantry armor. I immediately noticed that the weapons and armor sets weren’t available to be made into Exceptional. I asked on the reddit, and people say that T4 thralls work with flawless DLC stuff. As a solo it would be hard for me to get a T4, especially since on Xbox the Sepermeru uspawns aren’t working.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Buy DLC
- Grind
- Capture Tier 3 Armorer/Blacksmith
- Notice no DLC stuff