Game mode: [Online private]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvP]
Region: [EU]
[Describe the bug here]
I know some of the issues with Thralls have been brought up in the past, just wanted to share what I’ve experienced in case it changes anything.
I play on a private server with only one other member. and i currently have 2 archer thralls from the lemurian camp in the jungle (one named, one a level 2 i believe).
at some point, they will just stop wanting to attack (will enter hostile stance but will not move or fire anything). I cant recall exactly at what point the changes happen, but i can give a list of things i have done to hopefully recreate.
the issue does seem to fix on server restart.
Things Ive done to the thralls
- added armour (dlc, to the named thrall but not the level 2)
- given them daggers (abysmal dagger and steel ones)
- Ran up a spiral tree (this one seems odd so let me add context, my base is on top of an isolated land form in the jungle, with only 2 entrances that dont involve climbing, one of them is ‘Warriors Walk’, a toppled tree, and the other is a spiral tree. the only reason i mention this is because the state of the thrall had change at somepoint before and after i ran around the tree to get home. i cannot confirm if this was the trigger for it tho)
- Fight, i wanted to test their damage out so i took them to fight a feather rhino thing in the jungle, the first time they thought was fine, not sure if the bug immediately happens after this but it seems any future fighting after this point would not work.
- Scouting, if i ever told them to stop once they were bugged, they would gain the status ‘scouting’ rather than ‘guarding’ even when within the base proximity.
- Teleporting, the thralls would not walk and instead just teleport closer as i got farther away.
I know most of these issues have already been reported but hopefully this might help find an issue as to why it happens.
Best of Luck, and keep up the good work.