Are legendary Armour Repair kits a thing

Not sure of this is a bug but I finally got a purge and snagged a named alchemist and armourer out of it. My armourer cannot make legendary patch kits. Are they even a thing in the game that players can make at the moment or are they on the to do list?? I have a few nice legendary armour pieces from the UC but am hesitant to use them as I can’t repair them :disappointed:

there is a list of armorer that will give you possiblity to craft legendary repair kit because they do not all do it . But try on artisan desk because some of these unlock possibility to craft large back pack !
Purge is a good opportunity to catch very rare crafter like alchimists that do black and white dye .

While that is true, those repair kits are for weapons and tools, not for armor. There is currently no way to repair the legendary armor pieces you find in fx the Unnamed City.

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