Are there any named Derketo priests in the game?

Hi there.

I’ve been hunting for named Derketo priest thralls at the Pagoda of Boundless Lust for QUITE a while now. I’ve seen all the other named thralls you can get there several times each, but I’m yet to see one of the five named priests that - supposedly - can pop up.

I’m aware that Derketo priests in general where a pretty recent addition to the game.

My question is: do any of the five named Derketo priests, that are mentioned in the Conan Exiles Wiki (
actually exist in the game? Has anyone seen one them?

Thanks in advance for your information! :slight_smile:

Yep, I’ve caught one or two of them at the Pagoda. They tend to spawn at the campfire farthest away from the Pagoda behind the ridge to the east, not at the Pagoda itself.

Same for me… Also I never found a named Yog priest at the summoning place and I visited that quite often…

But its RNG… This damn priests!! :smiley: Currently I only have archpriests for that 2 religions…

Thanks for the verification, Kapoteeni!

Guess it’s back to farming for me, then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is the only known location (except purge) for Darketo T4 priests. I have seen named priests there before… I must say, patience is certainly a virtue in Conan.

To test the location, if you are able to enter single player mode, Go to;

Settings>Server Settings>General;

Scroll down to the checkbox (under admin password) that says “MAKE ME ADMIN” and click it. Then go to;

Server Settings> Combat> NPC Respawn Multiplier>0.1
(This will respawn npc’s in around 1 min after death. I assume you are on console, but If you are on PC, you can set respawn time to near instant by changing the data in the settings config file).

Return to main pause menu.

Scroll down to ADMIN PANEL.

From there you can enter God mode and fly etc.

Then simply go to the Pagoda and keep killing the relevant Thralls.
If after some time, this doesn’t produce the Thrall you are after then you will know it likely no longer spawns there.

You can even switch between games, (i.e. Kill npc’s online, then return to single player kill 10 -15 npcs there. Then return to online mode as the respawn is roughly 15 mins (on officials). Then repeat. If you find the npc in SP mode it may give you the strength to continue the hunt online.:grin:
It saves you wasting hours of time farming somewhere that may no longer spawn the npc you are after.

This method is suitable for all spawnable npc’s.

Also you can use this interactive map to search all named npc locations;

Hi there, jot29!

Yup, it’s RNG. I was just wondering whether the named Derketo priests had actually been implemented into the game - but Kapoteeni has answered that question.

I’m lucky, I managed to get a “Yog’s Chosen” a while ago - I don’t think I found him at the Summoning Place, though (I’m not sure).
Good luck with your hunt!

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Thanks for the great tip about using single player to test spawns, LordKAA!

If I end up in a similar situation again in the future, I’ll follow your advice :slight_smile:

No problem. Good luck!

Update: I finally manged to find a named Derketo priest! Woohooo!

If anyone else is searching for one: they spawn exclusively at the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts (in the jungle).
I’ve only ever seen priests (of any tier) spawn at the two campfires East of the pagoda itself (i.e. the two campfires that are on top of cliffs). Good luck!

T3 Arch priest are preferred by me on PVP servers, as they break in less time than a fully named T4 priest. There is no in game differences as far as craft time and recipes for any of the priests, thus the named are less efficient on official PVP.

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