ARK Anniversary Contest 2

Hey all,

we had a really good turnout in our first contest of the anniversary month, and I am looking forward to announcing the winner, and getting them their awesome prize, but this is the 20th anniversary, and 1 contest this month won’t be enough, nope try 4 contests!!

For our second contest you will create a radio advertisement for Anarchy online.

The Radio advertisement should only last 60 seconds at most, and should include the words 20th anniversary in it.

Please submit completed audio files to with your player name in it.

please keep this advertisement PG-13ish!

Winning advertisement will be played during the 20th anniversary party by our friend at Gridstream productions and the winning advertiser will get a cool prize.

Last entries accepted June 15th at Midnight GMT

While we are at it let me take this opportunity to remind you all of the details of the 20th anniversary party!

When: **Saturday June 19th at 2 pm - 6 pm est/7pm - 10pm gmt **
Where: Coast of Peace

Can’t wait to see you all there.

ARK- Advisors of Rubi-ka are a volunteer community and not paid employees of Funcom. The contests and party are run by the Advisors of Rubi-ka, and are separate from any anniversary plans that Funcom has. Furthermore the 4 contests mentioned in this thread are brought to you by our ARK community relations team, and there could be other events put forth by other teams in the Advisors of Rubi-ka.

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