Does anyone else feel that the stamina/protection balance of armour class is off?
Ill preface this now; Im mostly a PvE player, but I loved encounters on PvE-C back when. Still, Im curious as to how everyone else sees it.
(Just popped into my head, I would love it if we could take only unequipped items off of player bodies. Theres still risk/reward for PvP but its a bit more forgiving on the loser. Goes without saying you’d still have to retrieve your gear off your body)
Now then, my thoughts on weight classes;
- Light
Pretty much perfect. My only problem stems from how armour kits are a flat increase, providing a huge benefit to the already best balanced class, making it the best.
(due to how armour rating to % reduction scales, light gets a much higher mitigation bonus)
Isnt far off being perfect IMO. Part of this stems from how the light class can get very close in terms of mitigation while maintaining its stam regen advantage and roll cost. -
Feels the worst by a fair margin. You get really great damage mitigation, but at the cost of ass stam regen and roll cost.
Due to this, practical fighting in heavy is really slow, due to stamina limitations. One roll takes almost 1/4 of your stam at middle levels of grit. That stam then takes about 4-5 seconds to return if you stay disengaged. Should you press the opening you might have made, you’ll stay down on stamina until you get the chance to breathe. This leads to frequent disengage’s and a slower fight.
It could be argued heavy should face tank, but combo stun lock is still deadly and damage not taken still beats damage mitigated.
Now for how Id address this.
Firstly would be changing the master level armour plating kits. Id place a smaller flat bonus, like 5-10 rather than 25, then Id add a % bonus of what the base armour was. I cant suggest a % though, it’d take some maths to find a balanced point.
Thats light sorted.
Medium armour I would change the roll cost to that of current light armour.
Heavy I would change the regen and roll cost to current medium values, then Id slightly shorten the roll distance and change it to the ye old hop dodge we used to have (maintaining current I-frames tho).
P.S I really loved that little hop animation, despite how terrible it was in gameplay.