Armour’s blunt weapon damage bonus is not reflected. Not reflected on the newly added ‘Slaver’s Hood’ as well as ‘Skelos’ equipment. Not reflected in status, which is fixed at 120 par.
We actually hit the npc when naked and when equipped with buffed equipment respectively, but there was no change in the degree of reduction in the stun value.
This phenomenon occurs in penal colonies, on Sipter Island and on all official servers. Could you please investigate this?
The Status interface does not reflect concussive damage indeed, however I’m not sure what test you conducted where you didn’t see a change in concussive damage… but I can assure you that ALL concussive damage bonus gear actually does increase concussive damage and works as intended, the UI simply doesn’t show it.
Thanks for the reply.
Re-examined: against tier 3 NPCs, 11 shots when naked, 10 shots when equipped with 7 par up, 9 shots with 14 par up, 8 shots with 69 par up and 7 shots with 110 par up. Is this how it is? I don’t think it has increased as much as the numbers.
I can’t tell just from the decrease in the gauge, so I re-examined it by how many shots it takes to pass out, but it does indeed seem to be increasing, but the increase is less.
If you look at the calculations in that video, everything adds up perfectly.
I have 4 pieces of concussive damage gear with 12% bonus each, so 48% total
Without concussive damage gear:
Szeth’s Truncheon (heavy attack 50 concussive damage) + Advanced blunted fitting (heavy modifier +60 concussive damage), so the base damage = 110
I have max authority there, which is 6% per point, so 20 points = 120% bonus (= base damage * 2.2)
I have Backstab (hitting from behind +15%) (= damage * 1.15)
So, 110 * 2.2 = 242 * 1.15 = 278.3
With concussive damage gear:
48% bonus on base damage (this will not receive authority bonus)
110 * 0.48 = 52.8 rounded to 53 (amount of bonus damage from gear)
110 * 2.2 = 242 + 53 = 295 (you can see me at one point where I hit the second NPC from the front that it measures 295)
Adding backstab: 295 * 1.15 = 339 (the number you see mostly at the second fight.)
So as a conclusion, the gear seems to work just fine, hope that helped clarify it
(Ofc it would still be nice if it reflected properly on the Stats interface too)
Thank you for the details.
So you are saying that you don’t feel a big change because the percentages are only on the base area.
It was very easy to understand.
Thank you very much.