You have bugged arrows… They had 100% AP. Or lets say, at least 1 had it. You can save all other arrows, by splitting the stack. But only remove 1. Then 1 has 100% AP and all other the normal values.
Some patches ago, the arrows somehow added the AP from bow or previous arrows. So when you switched arrow type, this was the result
But the 100% AP was only visible after server restart.
And in your video you can clearly see the 100%AP on the explosive arrows.
I play PvE because I don’t like any kind of combat (yes, I play Conan like I’m playing The Sims). so I have no idea what AP (armor penetration, I guess) means. But now I understand why it happened. Thanks for the explanation.
PS.: I also play only PvE… And it happened to me too But with healing arrows, while I wanted to heal my thrall… Yeah. Whole stack of healing arrows gone in a dungeon, during boss fight