Atlantean Sword not there

Hey there i have been off this game for awhile and i came back but i cant seem to craft the atlantean sword. I have dlc and on my playstation it says usable but i dont see anywhere in game to craft the sword. I am in singleplayer. I have a screenshot of in game and nothing comes up when i search it, and another of my content for the game saying i own and can use the atlantean sword dlc but i guess new users cant post images.

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Garrison blacksmith bench.


If you still have issues Thursday send me a PSN message sestus2009 and I will see what I can find out on my server right after the inventory debacle it showed up in a armors bench have not tried recently. @Kratos_Zekk and it would not let me make or show needed materials.

Would it not come up though when i go to search for it? I’ve searched “Atlantean” and only some chairs come up and then under “Sword” it is not there.

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I made some in the garrison bench yesterday. Honestly couldn’t find it the first time I looked. @Kratos_Zekk

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