Baby animals in the Isle of Siptah in SINGLE PLAYER

Poll for Exiles who play on the Isle of Siptah not on any servers, SP only.

How often do you find baby animals on the map? Except baby turtles and guaranteed spawns for Playful pups, of course. I’ve started a new game after the last update, reached lvl 37, got some decent Thralls - but found only one baby animal in the wild, namely a piglet on the first day. Babies had been rare enough for me on the Isle of Siptah before but now I can’t find them at all, even Foals where they used to be in early access, around Leyshrines.

Baby animals on the Isle of Siptah in SP after the last update

  • are as common as in the Exiles Lands for me
  • are rarer than in the Exiles Lands but I find enough
  • are as rare as Falling Stars in single player game - almost impossible to get

0 voters


Purely Offline Singleplayer on ps4. You know I was just pondering this myself over the weekend Ko6ka. And I tell you my solo adventuring friend, there is something going on with the reproductive rates on the Isle of Siptah, at this rate the islands human inhabitants would be rendering entire species extinct within a matter of years, possibly even months. Definately lower spawn rates than the Exiled Lands. The only thing that remains unclear to me is whether this was intended or if it is a technical issue. Given that we currently have issues with NPC mobs spawning at reduced rates, and sometimes not at all in Singleplayer mode, it may turn out to be the later. Perhaps Update 1.5 will answer this curious question for us.


I’ve found a few babies hitching a ride with surges.


Correct , on surges they spawn , but as @Ko6ka and @Croms_Faithful said in the wilds they are rare . For example offline or online I still haven’t find a rhino baby in Siptah and to be honest it is a bit disappointing , yet I will give it some time more because I am noob in Siptah map .
I find easily so far ,


Agree with you Stelagel. So far I have only a total found 3 baby animals in my time playing Isle of Siptah. Now by comparison in the Exiled Lands, I can almost be assured of baby animals in some areas. For example, I always see baby crocs near the crocodile World Boss pond in the River biome, and I always see baby rhinos nearby the oasis next to Muriela’s Hope. Animals seem to be more RNG on Siptah. Although as I touched upon earlier, this may just be a manifestation of the spawning issues we have had on ps4.


I remember during Early Access, you could reliably find puppies just off the western beach, on the grassy overlooks. I could grab 2 or 3 at a time. Now? None. I’ll even make repeated sweeps of the area, killing the feral dogs as they spawn, but still no puppies. The spawn rates of baby animals has definitely decreased since early access.


Obviously, there are a lot more players killing the mom and dad animals so they don’t have the opportunity to make babies anymore.

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I could buy that argument on a server, but solo play?


I haven’t had much trouble finding wolves, rhinos, and obviously horses. Also seem to come across a lot of the baby elephants on Siptah, which are not the ones you can use for the Turan caravan elephant. I never did find one of those, since as far as I’m aware the only place you can get them is one particular surge.

Everything else is pretty rare though. I have a heck of a time finding baby crocs.

For the purpose of full disclosure though, I haven’t played much in the last month or two because I started feeling a little nostalgic and decided to go back to Age of Conan for a while.

I agree with you TimeLord. The only person who could even be doing such a thing in Singleplayer mode is ourselves, as we are the only person playing.

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Unless there’s something weird about Siptah elephants that I don’t know about (always a possibility), any pet elephant can be transformed into a caravan elephant with the fodder. I did it just the other day in the Exiled Lands. Do you mean mammoths?

No, I don’t mean mammoths. The elephants on Siptah are antediluvian elephants. The recipe for the caravan elephant requires a plain old regular elephant. They are different breeds. The antediluvians have smaller ears, a bit of fur on the back of the neck and the tusks are bigger and shaped differently. The head is also a little more round. Unless something changed, they are the only breed of elephant on the island.

As far as I’m aware, the only place to get regular elephants on Siptah is in a surge and I don’t remember which one it’s supposed to be.

Here’s a couple of videos you can use for comparison if you’re interested.


In my opinion they are as common or rare as always. But the game needs a long time to spawn them after gamestart and it takes almost an ingame day until the spawning normalizes (and being in the area also helps). This has always been a singleplayer issue, and particulary in Siptah. And maybe it has gotten worse since the patch, but the problem has always existed. I usually go to a foal area and wait there and eventually they show up. For other pets i enter and leave an area sometimes killing the the grown up population in between to force a respawn. This can take a long time and every pet is different.
On the other hand i encounter different pets all the time.

Checked right now. The big ones spawned after some time, but on that first hilltop where there are guaranteed cub spawns …nothing, for 45 minutes. Then one big one and a cub :slight_smile: In the meantime i went from lvl 35 to 38 from all the cats and bears etc. while scanning the whole island.
And yes, i have a lot of time ;p

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lol sorry and noted

Regular elephants and their babies can be found on the Isle of Dawn.

To my knowledge the one pet obtainable only through surge are hyenas (the bestest lil buddies). If you are struggling to find babies culling the local population of that animal gives a baby a chance to spawn and is probably why they are rarer in SP.

Rhinos is another common one I see ppl struggle to find. In addition to the middle there is a spawn on the Isle of Dawn that nearly always has two babies, I know this as I have amassed a large crash of rhino.

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I’ve solved a “foal problem” in SP yesterday. I came to look for them around the leyshrine of the Demon - there were no foals as usually… then I decided to hunt Tuskbeasts and found a foals spawn point to the North-West from the leyshrine. There were three of them standing and waiting for me to come nearer, after that they began roaming around. I guess they don’t spawn until SP player comes near their one and only spawn point. But mechanic for other baby creatures seems to be different, and in the Exiled Lands I can get lots of them - but not on the Isle of Siptah.


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