Balance changes in PVP are needed

They aren’t going to implement a monthly wipe server. They had monthly wipe servers early in EA and they were wildly unpopular.

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Imo character migration should be allowed, so if a server is full or isn’t fun anymore, we can move the character to other server without starting from lv 1, the penalty is only losing ALL of the stuffs.

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Just to confirm:
There are no plans from our side to introduce scheduled/periodic wipes of any kind on official servers.
We do reserve the right to wipe a server if we consider it absolutely necessary, though.

We might look into character transfers but no promises on that at the moment :slight_smile:

Is there any thoughts of bringing back blitz servers?

Kinda adds a different playstyle for those who want periodic wipes

Blitz servers weren’t really very popular during EA, which was the reason they were removed. Never say never, but it would have to come with an extensive interest from the community :slight_smile:

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I wouldnt mind too because it will give new players and clans a chance againts old ones. Without a wipe new players can’t do anything. Heaps of explosives accumulated for months is a big problem.

Someone suggested a decay time for explosives, and thats a good idea, or there can be a benefit for new players if there will be no wipes… like a grace time that breaks if you try to raid or something like that.

It is PVP a wipe would be meaningless, (although with the current all 50 stats exploit I’d see a reason to wipe every server). You have certain purge times in which you can go all out and raid a clans base, and even wipe the base off the map.

Most people joining PVP have this “solo” mind set and think that larger clans are OP for the server and need to be nerfed. In this case it isn’t eventful for anyone, because the same tribe is going to be back after each wipe and go back to dominating on the server.

When it comes to going toe to toe with large active clans you have to change your playstyle to contend with them. Larger clans will always obtain resources faster, build more bombs and raiding tools.

Wiping on PVP is unnecessary, as the player base has the freedom to wipe at the peak raid times.

A wipe may be an excesive option but something must be done about this, and ideas like decay to explosives or grace time can balance things a bit here.

The game lose people because of this issue, and i played in clans with more than 6 people. Even reached lvl 50-60 in some servers and its always the same story. If it’s not people with heaps of explosives acumulated for months, it’s high lvl ruining the experience of new players.

I changed servers several times and many friends abandoned this game because of the bad current balance state in pvp. This is a problem that no one can deny. And ideas should be given to try to fix it.

Would be nice if they worked on the ranged combat then, it feels a bit “clunky” to use. Farther lockon with bows would be a great suggestion.

PVE server wipe would be a shot in the nuts for funcom.
99% of the players would leave the game at once if the wipes would be regular on PVE.
And belive there is nothing can make a full server (120+ ppl) to vote yes all of them each.

So maybe I missread something for reals.

BTW Griefers on PVE can be dealth with easy. Just wall them around if you cannot have a friendly conversation ending with civilized solution :smiley:
wall ceiling spikes on top 3-4 row height. they cannot come in nor can go in with all the stuff they wanna carry back and forth. That teaches them some manners.

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Limit the number of explosives you can have, that would solve the problem. I’m sure the amount of stuff people have in chests causes a lot of lag anyway, so adding insane hording to it only makes that worse.

OR, make the explosives similar to nitro, and volatile, meaning they have a chance of self detonation after so much time elapses and they aren’t used. Ask anyone that regularly handles explosives for a living, the older they get, the more dangerous it becomes just to have them on hand, let alone use them.

Um… Explosives are also an anti-griefing tool. Our clan wiped our server of cheating griefers, but it took A LOT of explosives to do it.

BTW, Funcom knows from EA that a wipe of official servers would completely kill Conan. All the people who came back after the devs promised never to wipe officials… If there were a wipe now, those folks would burn the game to the ground.

The only people I see whining “we need a wipe” are those who want an easy way to deal with industrious, hard working opponents.

So I say, no wipes. Get gud dude.

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The wall spike thing I have actually done. It was pretty fun unfortunately he just removed the bracelet and started again but it was enjoyable to do

You think that a wipe will give a chance for new players against those veteran clans???

Think again, there are ppl who will get to 60 and all the stuff they can in a day. The only chance you get by fighting them is your brain and experience, not a wipe.

It would for sure, more than the actual chance new players have against overpowered clans witch is zero. Anyway I wasn’t talking about a full wipe, just a structures and objects wipe (which is the default wipe option in a conan exiles server). But i already discarded the wipe because a mod confirmed that there won’t be any for now.

So I updated the main thread tittle and content to include other possible suggestions.

While I can agree that changes can be made for balancing and improvment. Dont think too high on it. That kind of unbalance is common in the genre and wont change as wipes wont solve it too. Ends up winning who got more members and time for playing no matter how hard you try to change this. Perfect balanced enviroment you may only find in e-sport games and modes.

Decay on explosives sounds like a possible solution.

You have no idea how fast a group of 5 players can build and farm everything in a couple days what they have right now even after weeks/month release.

Beleive me, wipe doesn’t help you against hardcore / vet clans, it would only cast away more players from the game.

Yes i know, we have similar games as examples. But it doesn’t need to end in the same way. Just by giving a decay to explosives it can improve the balance factor a lot, and the pvp mode won’t drive away so many players as it is doing it right now. I think this can be a good QoL change and surely there can be more.

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Wouldn’t it be better to limit how how large we can make our bases on PvP servers? That way we can’t make bases with layers and layers of foundation and can’t have several bases around the map.