Balancing and PVP changes coming with the release of The Isle of Siptah - Feedback thread

I may not be a Testliver, but I wish to raise this issue for Funcom. I have seen number of people in various threads across the forum, including myself, are becoming unsettled by the prospect of this change. And I would like to restate a number of points I made in a seperate thread with another user. I am very sorry to be negative here. I am NOT trolling or hating, only trying to raise what I percieve to be very genuine concerns.

“The main sources of healing appear to be potions and bandages.”

I honestly dont mind the idea of consumption animations in theory. However, I am now beginning to hold grave concerns that these changes will create the same issues for Singleplayers and online Solo players that the Momentum system before it did. That being that for Singleplayer mode to remain viable, it is absolutely vital for us to be able to quickly break away from combat and quickly consume a healing item or two before returning to the fray. But ok, lets now examine this issue in greater detail shall we.

“Drinking the potion slows the pace of your walk whilst you drink.”

This didnt sound so bad…that is until I watched a video of it in action. So basically, drinking the potion reduces our movement to that of an ‘overencumbered’ walking speed, or the equivalent of an EXTREME cripple effect. But then this sounds even worse again:

“Bandaging is a total stop of movement…A small injury takes approx 3 sec, almost dead the animation is approx 10 sec.”

THIS ^^ seems to me to be even worse. Slowing movement down while healing, sounds like a bad, idea as is. But this is something else entirely! I am firmly opposed to the complete loss of movement Bandages impose.

So…if a Singleplayer or online Solo player is facing a fast moving Boss or World Boss (eg- the White Tiger), or a large mob of humanoid enemies (eg- the Wights summoned by Thag in the Wine Cellar dungeon), or they need to remove a stack of Bleeds? How are we supposed to break away and heal without opponents raining free blows upon us…??

“…when you eat, whether is bugs or a haunch, you get a “sated” buff that is some passive healing. It feels like eating shredded roast on live.”

So why on earth would we even bother harvesting and crafting high tier food such as Roast Haunch and Hearty Stew if they are all so ridiculously weak…!? About the equivalent of shredded roast from what I am led to believe. This would have other further reaching repercussions too. It would also render cooking as a form of crafting, especially the Stove recipes, pointless and uttetly redundant. Not to mention devaluing Cook thralls. Moreover, it will devalue our rewards for killing a whole array of enemies ranging from the Abyssmal Remnant and certain World Bosses right down to certain Dragons. It reduces the incentive to find and battle them, and trivialises the rewards they yield.

Unless I am overanalysing the situation, these changes sounds ominous to me. This sounds like a straight up nerf to healing, and a blatantly uneccessary change. There are virtually no threads on the forum saying healing is overpowered or totally game breaking. And from a Singleplayer and online Solo player, and newer player perspective, this has bad idea written all over it. It feels to me, right or wrong, like the whole debacle produced by the ‘Momentum’ movement system is destined to repeat itself here. The same wisdom holds true now as it did back then. As such, it is now time time to hark back to that same wisdom which I analysed the Momentum system with back then:
