With mounts comming to the game in december, there will be hordes of new players joining the game, and to “hold” these players in PvP servers, there are changes that if done, it will be good for the game without a doubt.
The current system on PvP servers is not friendly for the majority of casuals that like to PvP, and PvE-C does not fulfill the experience because its too limited. So another option would be turn the PvP servers (or open new ones?) to allow building damage while the Player(s) from said clan is online. It can work like this:
Player log in, in 2 minutes online everything that is crafted, itens, buildings, thralls&pets will be destructible / killeable by other players, if the Player goes offline, his buildings / thralls&pets can still be destructible / killeable for 60 minutes, after this time expires, the buildings / thralls&pets become imune to damage.
I would like to ask for the Players that play on PvP servers to vote only, so we can avoid general opinion since this is exclusively regarding PvP servers settings.
- Yes, I prefer to play on a server with Building damage On while the player is online.
- No, I still want the option to raid offline players.
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