this game is awesome! I think we can all agree on this.
But I think, for me who has always been playing on PVP server I think offline raiding suck.
I play alot of Solo & in the past I played heavily in Clans
I often find myself running into the issue of getting offline raided and by no means I am not building stuff out of Sandstone nor am I building obviously & easy to raid.
I dont want offline raiding to disappear but I think by adding a few systems to the game could actually help players to stay on a realm & to prevent some toxicity in chat.
Lets create a few scenarios:
U have been offline for 1 day. Raid Prot activated.
U log off 1-4 Hours before raid time (u have to work or somthing) raid immune.
You are online (+ Clan members) 1 or two clan members decide to log out, with some remaining online. U can still be Raided. If however all clan members decide to log off & during raidtime. Maybe even while being raided the base is still raidable 1-2 Hours after logging out.
Ur clan & u decided to have a off-day trusting the raid immunity. 1 of u decides to log in during this day & during raid time - Allows for other players to start raid ur base incase they wanted to.
Funcom already has a system like this. I think it’s called “dynamic building damage”.
I would go with a different approach. But first the system would need to be changed. There needs to be some kind of item that would determine your base. The bed for example. Everything that is connected to your bed (and connected to the foundations that are connected to your bed) would be considered as base. You can then go to your bed and select “Pack base”. This will effectively log out your whole base, but the land claim remains (to prevent others from building over it).
This packing option is obviously not available until after 30 minutes of the last damage done to it. While your base is “logged out” you can’t access it’s resources, but it also can’t get raided.
A building piece limit and radius would also be good here, so you can’t claim the whole map with a logged out base.
If there were a PvP-oriented Battle Standard, we could potentially place this thing down on one property. This could be set, theoretically, to “bubble around” a small area and afford Offline Protection. However, if the invader is able to penetrate the building, he can destroy the Battle Standard and thereby make the base destructible.
Its just sad if I spend loads of days, if not weeks getting my base up to run as a solo & have it all taken away while I am working a job everytime with no chance to atleast get some PvP out of it.
Seriously the dumbest response I hear from people. It’s called Player vrs PLAYER not player vrs defenseless base.
If you want to PVP, let’s go! However, attacking and destroying something that can’t fight back is NOT PVP. That’s just a weak player acting like a tough guy because they can’t do it against a live PLAYER.
When I’m on, feel free. Come at me bro. Then we will see PVP otherwise it’s just a small feeble person with no self worth that attacks the defenseless to feel like they accomplished something. It’s the gamer version of being a wife beater. Only tough enough to attack the weak and defenseless.
multiple bases & small. I still have the issue I recently started to play without a base.
Incase u missed that on the other offline raiding thread that has recently been created.
Problem with PVE / PVE-C servers.
PVE = U cannot kill players mostly. Not even especially take their loot.
PVE-C = U cannot raid. U can wait for bases to decay if u cheeky.
Both fits no play style of mine. I farm everything by my self & I go to raid with 300 bombs. Easy as is. But I get my loot taken everytime I have a day off the game?
I am very good staying low key on a server. U most wont even notice me unless I raid u or I meet u. I make small alliances but with no clan. I trade I help newcomers. And I still find myself offline raided over & over again. How funny it has never been by any of those who I have traded or helped. I think I can count on one hand how many times I have been online raided with 3k hours. Minus from the time I used to play in Clans.
I have suggested countless times that funcom should consider to recreate some of the Official servers but ofcourse maintain some as they are. But recreate some with the settings that are for another audiance. Considering what we are currently talking as one of the the new raising servers.
Keep the tone mate its not about who has the bigger muscles but rather come with ideas on how u want it implanted with.
@Selene01has given good reason behind how the system can beabused
maybe we should consider the idea & think of ways it could be abused in order to make funcom aware what to consider if they were to implament a system as we are requesting brother
A possible solution would be to have a lesser version of a god protection, much easier to farm for. It wouldn’t be a bubble but a lock on a container (chest, vault etc.). This would give the container a significant boost to hit points while you are online (e.g. 2x more hp) and the container would either be indestructible while you are offline or have a much higher hit point boost (e.g. 10-20x more hp).
What i like in this feedback is that u automatically adds that stuff shouldn’t be for free but the protection should require farming.
Already here i must admit u came up with a very good idea. Not a final solution but a very solid solution i could see applied if funcom couldn’t come up with anything better.