Balancing and PVP changes coming with the release of The Isle of Siptah - Feedback thread

Hey everybody,

We just updated the information on the upcoming changes with a newer version. We unfortunately released some outdated information on how some of the PVP changes and how they will affect official PVP servers.

For visibility, we will post here the changed paragraphs that dramatically change some of the information initially relayed:

Base Raiding

We have added more granularity to the existing PvP server settings, this will allow server owners to more precisely configure what times and days PvP will be possible.

We have also added a new system called Dynamic Building Damage, which if enabled (server setting) allows player to damaged buildings while any of the owners (individual or clan) are online (even outside the scheduled raid times) and for a duration (server settings) after the last owner has logged off.

For official PVP servers we are currently planning to have both features enabled, with the scheduled building damage being set for Friday and Saturday during peak server time and Dynamic Building Damage being always enabled with 30 minuets logout window. This will mean that players will be able to damage buildings during the scheduled building damage windows OR if any building owner is online and for 30 minuets after they logoff, subject to feedback.

We apologize for the confusion this might have caused.