Banned for using claims?

I play on Official server PVP #2652. My xbox tag is DarkArchon414 on that server. I tried to log in today and found that I have been suspended due to Reason: Abuse of the claim system to prevent access to resources or building spots. I DID NOT Build anyone to obstruct other players. I did NOT do this and you didn’t talk to me, email me, notify me of anything. Just a ban without a word and without even telling me WHY or WHERE you are even talking about.

I know you people DON’T respond to players with real issues. You don;t do anything about people using ethernet cables to lagsweep your servers and gain advantage. You don’t do a thing about your broken characters of people using exploits, which I DON’T DO, ut then you ban me and dont even tell me WHY??? Forget this game. No wonder it’s dying. You Did WRONG and you should be held acountable for it.

I deconstructed a base the other day and left behind two small rooms where other players were laying offline to protect them from scavengers, and if THIS is what you call misusing the claim system, I want nothing to do with this game. Jesus! I paid you money for this. I buy things from your bazzar. You Owe me an explanation at least. How can you treat people like this with such impunity. Hope your game fails. I want my money back!

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And they never will. You are reported for your infractions of the ToS by other users via Zendesk, usually said reports are spammed so that it catches their attention, they "look into the issue and if they find that you have in fact violated the ToS you get banned (Actually you generally DO NOT ACTUALLY GET BANNED in spite of everyone exaggerating and saying thus, you get SUSPENDED. You only get a permanent ban after MANY REPEATED INSTANCES OF BEING SUSPENDED, so either you are a repeat offender or you were simply suspended).

The link provided btw, the one where people report violations of the ToS, is also where you can inquire about why you were suspended. And if you actually were banned, well that is where you can go to appeal said ban. But you are only suspended / banned from the official server, you can still play offline / co-op and on private servers so any DCL / BLB / battle-pass / twitch drop stuff you have you can still access. Just not on the official servers.

Not on these forums, at least not for these issues. I gave you the link where you need to go for these issue above. They WILL NOT ANSWER THESE KIND OF QUESTION HERE, and they will likely close this thread without responding at all.

Have you taken video of people doing this and reported it via Zendesk (again, link provided above)? If not, well you really only have yourself to blame for watching it happen and not stepping up to report it. After all, someone saw you violating the ToS and report it and look at the result? :thinking:

Now these two things are also vastly different, and one of them is unequivocally easier to prove than the other (especially with one person proving a “claim” vs. them going in and seeing the building and saying “yup, that’s in violations”). But if you have been sitting around not reporting anything at all then who are you to cry about nothing being done? :woman_shrugging:

I already provided you the link to enquirer about your suspension. Ranting here will solve nothing. Use that link and please do try to contact them with a friendlier tone that you have done so here, you will be far more likely to receive a response (though I guarantee nothing in so far as actually receiving a response).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You people are toxic. I found out who had me suspended, and it was a player that USES your system to get people suspended so they can take over maps. The fact that you let that go on and don’t give your players warnings or any chance to defend themselves, is disgusting. Put down all the crying emogis you want. You’re still a bad person with a dying game. Bye now. Im off to find a better ga… Oops. Already found one.

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This isn’t an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.

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We people are fellow players that have been there done that and jsut giving you the facts. We in no way represent funcom.

Who is letting what go on? YOU are the server HOA, the ToS system works by players reporting players. Why would anyone abuse the system.

Note: if you have the proof this person did that it is a ToS violation so can be reported. If that worked it wouldn’t be a think though.

Who is the bad person? The player trying to explain to you how suspensions and bans work?

Name it, there are thousands of us looking for a better game.


Yes, the person who attempted to offer you assistance and explanations is “toxic”, and not the person RANTING LIKE A SPOILED PETULANT CHILD. :roll_eyes:

Who’s system? :thinking: FFS I don’t even play on official servers so Zendesk means jack squat to me. The ToS are useless to me. And yet, unlike you, I actually UNDERSTAND THEM. :scream_cat:

Are you truly under the delusions that I somehow work for Funcom? :woman_facepalming:

Let me assure you, I do not. I am just not a moron, clearly something you cannot claim.

Bye bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. Have fun not understanding the rules of that game and getting suspended and or banned there too!

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Ark survival :wink:

Conan is the unique popular builder game ban players for building and dont warning or msg you , people can still cheat and use the report system for ban other people and yeah you cant try defend yourself because they dont will give you any response and they wont will give nothing you lose back.

Move to another game like Ark survival , No man of skys or 7 days to die and if a day funcom learn how to talk with players or how to really make rules simple and easy like others games you can maybe try return.

Man, I know it’s easy to tell people they deserve their wipe, but on Xbox it is especially weaponized on PvP.

It’s pretty much why I don’t PvP.

You’ve got my sympathy OP, but the forum can’t help you and Zendesk won’t do anything about it.

Would you please?