Barkeeper Patron selectable options?

Any chance adding a selectable option for patrons when drawn to barkeepers? ( " ask patron to leave " ) as they constantly get stuck in the doorways and block entrances. would be nice to get some of the jammed up patrons out of the taverns.


Anytime my patrons get stuck in the doors. I consider it a compliment to our strong stygian liquor. also when they sit backwards in chairs or walk into the walls.

May Set be with you :snake:

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It’s a bar. Drunk people do strange things.

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Just leave the render area for a moment and return. They’ll all be normal… mostly.

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Welcome to the forum m8

It’s a new mechanism that needs improvement.
Yes they react a bit strange, lots of little issues, but it needs our feedback, patience and fantasy to have fun with it until the mechanism is perfect.
There for you got these answers…

These are practically workarounds we do.
Another good workaround is your build to be adjusted to the mechanics reaction, so you have a better npc flow in your area, more realistic. So if your doors are bothering the npc flow, change the entrance or replace with something wider.
If tables, or stools create collision, remove.
For now it’s on you to make it more realistic.

Normally this can’t be succeed without a fight, you cannot ask easily from a barbarian exile to leave your bar without drawing swords :rofl:. So i encourage this idea, my bar would become a freaking medieval saloon and npcs will start fighting each other, cool :star_struck:.

Use struts instead of doors whenever possible. Thralls and npcs circulate a bit more easily.
Doors and thralls have a complicated relationship. :grinning:

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Usually I just destroy the bar when it happens. It makes them leave immediately.

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I’ve done that when I’m trying to reorganize or replace furniture, but I’ll never do it just to fix this issue. I tend to have the bar situated in such a manner that it’s annoying to replace (decor on it or around it, or squeezed into a space that required building around it).

Get the f…k out of here NOW!!!
Love it :rofl:.
Many times it crossed my mind, i got back tired from a long journey and i cannot find a freaking bar stool available to sit and drink my ale. Not to mention that i have to order twice sometimes before i drink something in my own freaking bar.

Or i role play a lot, or i am loosing it :crazy_face::rofl:.

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