Bases going down before finishing respawn time

Bro, I built the base. I know how I did it.
I know they were connected and the hammer showed 240h to decay. I’m not a newbie, I built over 10 structures in the game in more than 3 years.

How could decorations be inside the base, on the floor and not be connected?
And even if they weren’t connected, if the repair hammer showed 240h, the decay time should be 240h.
And the worse is, should items that no longer exist for 7 days be appearing on the decay list up to decay today???

What I don’t understand is why you are contradicting me and claiming that you know more than I do about my base, which you didn’t see.

I’m not contradicting you or that I know more than you do, I’m only saying that what’s the logs and the screen you posted shows , and maybe you’re not a newbie , and know how to build , but we all learn new things all the time . so let me tell you that decoration on the ground " near " a base is not connected , as well as two buildings that are not fundation snapped together will have different decay timmers , even if they seemed to have the same time , this means that if you refresh quickly , but stay far enough that one of the building is not refreshed, then one will decay while the other will not …

decaying items don’t disapear untill someone is in render range to make it disapear

Im repeating myself, but I’ll say again:
Items decayed in march 15 appear in the list to decay in march 19. That is what the print shows.

What you describe is like an Admin Wipe, but I guess your Clan was lucky enough not to get banned as well. I’ve heard that breaking the rules get clans both wipe and temporary ban.

The only help you’ll gain is from other players, on official servers you don’t get material or any other refund.

If it’s not admin wipe like @Wonka said, i can jump and give you a hand to recover faster.

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