Bases going down before finishing respawn time

Bases going down before finishing respawn time

My main base fall with over 74h to respawn.
Conan’s bases are bugging, they’re falling prematurely.
A friend of mine lost everything about two weeks ago and today my main base fell, even though I still had more than 74 hours of respawn time.

When I got there, there were only thralls, chests, workbenches and decorations. And it kept falling, even with me there. I couldn’t save more important things because I had no space in my inventory.

The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!


I tried logging in today while we’re remaining things at the lost base location. Almost all gone, even though with more than 74h remains yesterday.

THIS is the difference between a DECAYING base from a BUGGED base:

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What server is this on? Official?

Yes! :anxious_face_with_sweat:
It’s LATAM 4516.

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Can you tell us what build style you used, or was it multiple styles?

I used different materials.
Main and bigger structure made of Stormglass.
I made adjacencies with 2 or 3 other materials purchased at the store or dlcs like Yamatai and pyramid, all tier 3.
There were different styles decorations also, which was that remained when I got there, but most of it simply disappeared right in front of my eyes or after I went offline (in less than 24h, when there was remaining 74h+)
However, this must not have been the problem because my pain wheel base is also like that and the remaining time was the same, more than 74h.
All structures of my clan have 240h respawn time and none of the others disappeared, despite the fact they were 74+ time left too.

Can you help me please? :anxious_face_with_sweat:

what does your event log says ( if you haven’t looked at it yet , press esc , event log , then make sure all check boxes are ticked and put the distance bar to maximum , then press submit on the right botton corner) it should show you informations, if you could take a screen and post it here, it would help us understand better what has happened

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I guess it’s already set this way, but I’ll take a look.
The thing is if what you saying it’s what I think you’re saying, I’ve already done that, but there are infinite events of lost things.
But I’ll log in and try to find the info you say to bring here.

we can’t read the log it’s too blurry in the screen you shared. also there seems to be many entries and having an extended view would be helpful to grasp what’s really going on , so maybe try to repost it less blurry and with the following entries and not just the one screen.

I couldn’t post the video here. Of course it’s too many stuff lost, my hole base. We can’t reach the end of the registers.

Well I have been playing on the server since the day I first replied, and so far I can’t replicate the issue. Everything is staying regardless of what I build. I have a treehouse in the jungle, a boat, and a maproom all near each other. No issues so far.

Maybe your bases are not the same state as ours were.

I talked to a third friend who told me the SAME happened to him as well: his base (big base) decayed with 60+ hours left to respawn. Other players were destroying it while he was there. Just different spot in the map. But our 3 bases (mine and 2 friends, different clans) were all big bases and alll with T3 materials.

Yet my base still “appears” bugged in the events history.
Got those pictures yesterday: nothing on the ground, nothing more in the air like first day, only a Thral, floating. All base gone but decoration’s names appear as “normal” or about to decay in few minutes, even though I was there and nothing of those exists anymore.

From the log we only can see that the base decayed naturally , you do understand how decay the decay timmers works ? everything you build in the game that is not connected will have different decay timmers , for the timmer to increase you need a certain number of connected pieces ( fundations , walls ,decoration ect … ) , for the decay timmer to reset you need to “physically” go near any building within the timmer of each different building ( connecting on the server does not reset every one of your base ) , you can inspect the timmer by holding a repair hammer

I do understand.
The base was big and was everything connected.
But it seems you didn’t understand de pictures:
The log and the pics show you there is nothing in the ground and still appears in the events page.
There’s nothing more to decay, only the sandstone I built to keep the spot. No decorations more, it was all gone. Why those stuff appears as normal or decaying…?

as this screen shows , everything was not connected and this decorations have a max timmer of 71h41min since you are refreshing it as the screen is taken , this means that if you are not passing near them within this amount of time then it will disapear.

in this screen , we can see that some of the carpets and rose bush you might have not connected went to decay state , from this point anyone passing by can dismantle them as they are marked decayed for them like in your very first screen of this thread. And then we can see they decayed …
of course you saying you were there at the time they decayed is weird since we can clearly see that there is a lot more events in the event log since then , and you don’t show the end of it. Also as they already decayed , yes it’s normal for you to not see them anymore as the red lines in the event log means it’s gone. it’s easy to miss the time you’re supposed to refresh the timmers , and there it looks like you arrived too late.

Maybe you don’t understand because I couldn’t show the picture of the hole base before it fell, obviously because it was gone.
I will look for it to show here.
They were connected, everything was connected and the time for decays appeared as 240h, both decoration and structure of the building.
I play Conan for more than 3 years now and that is something I’m very careful about when I build or when I use a decoration.

The first picture you reposted here was showing the decorations remaining after the building (the structure) was gone. Many of them floating in the air. I returned to the place less than 24h later and the remaining decor was gone, eventho in the picture was shown 74+h.

The second photo, as you can see, shows the event screen marking decorations that no longer exist, still being counted towards decay.
I posted the photo on mar/19, the same day I took it, that is, mar/19.
If everything disappeared a week ago, how can it be showing today that it is counting towards decay? I believe this is quite clear from the photos, there is no doubt.

Yes , that means that the decorations still standing wasn’t connected to the building, hence why they are still standing , now that the building is gone , the timmer of those remaining unconnected decorations is smaller ( as showed by the 72h ~ )

the second screen shows that decorations will decay ( very soon , as the decay seems to be a few seconds for example your manuals that changed to abandonned at 16:03:12 will decay at 16:03:28 so 16 seconds after )

if you were near them at that time the log would show that
" Manuals owned by Walkyrie has changed decay state to normal. Will abandoned at "