Battlepass items - Speculations

SInce currently on Testlive we can’t see the Battlepass or the Bazaar and we can’t admin spawn the items in them, it’s kinda… boring, so to amuse myself I decided to make this topic with a list of items from the admin pannel that I think will be part of the Battlepass.

  • Ophidian Magi Saddle & Barding
  • Ophidian Magi Armor
  • Ophidian Magi Rod
  • Ophidian Magi Bow
  • Idol of Father Set
  • Tablet of Father Set
  • Effigy Talisman
  • Acheronian Illusionist Armor
  • Acheronian Illusionist Mirror
  • Acheronian Illusionist Manual
  • Acheronian Illusionist Mystery Bag(?, can’t see the full name, too long)
  • Acheronian Illusionist Painting
  • Talons of Karmanthes
  • Golden Reaver Helm
  • Protected Torch Yellow
  • Protected Torch Purple
  • Crystal Statue of Conan
  • Wanted Poster
  • Sorcerer Head Trophy
  • Gibbet
  • Black Lion
  • Grey Fox
  • Ophidian Magi Cat
  • various decals :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to argument for, against or make your own suggestion. Let’s test our mastery of the School of Divination and see how close we get to the actual Battlepass.

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I have to admit that not being able to admin spawn rhe new placeables, armors and weapons is kind of a bummer, it would give people the opportunity to actually see them in game and decide wether or not they want to purchase them when they become available through the bazaar or bp (the prices are still egregious though).


Well, they are implementing a 3D viewer for armors in both the Battlepass and the Bazaar, which is nice. Not sure if it will extend to placeables too.

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Wait so they are going to have a black lion skin? OK love the idea but the timing is a bit weird don’t you think? Hey we are nerfing big cats. BTW do you want a big cat skin?

The devs said they wanted to make pets an early to mid game option and make them easier to tame and level or something. After your lion helps you level, you can park him in your throne room for a well deserved retirement :slight_smile: and some aesthetic points.

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Then they need to make thralls harder to get. Hate to say this but the lone beserker is just too easy to get to make pets viable even in early game. In all honesty, how many people near immediately go to mounds with a couple truncheons on had to get that beserker? If you want pets to be early game, you got to slow down the progress of the character then and that means do something to prevent getting access to something that wasn’t planned (like having two beserkers there or maybe a beserker and 2 T3 fighters) to ensure the level of the person getting this 100% spawn endgame t4 fighter is actually one that can handle it.

My point here is that if you want pets to remotely be used, you got to do something that entices people to use them. I agree that the sabre kitties and such were too far over the top and needed to come down a peg but to just say these are early game things…that isn’t going to promote their usage.

I guess I am getting confused now at how the game is intended because it’s getting mixed messaging. On one hand, they want to remain level 60 top because they don’t want folks taking so long leveling and such and get immediately with the other vets on the server but then they promote some of their content (a large chunk if you look at all the pet types and variations therein) as some of that early to mid game stuff…so for those 1-2 days on a PVP server?..and it takes 5 hours to incubate? This doesn’t make sense. Either you just level quick and get into the nitty gritty of the server which would mean you gotta make pets mean something if you want their use or you prolong the leveling experience to make pets early game items that have use for the time and then they can be retired afterwards as decor defenders. Which is it?

Much more…
stormglass building set v2
bathtubs (YES!) + bath decor items
gardens (trees, ivy, bushes, maze)
tons of new torches (color reskin…)
tons of wall\floor paints…
And i am afraid everything cool are bazaar only… and BP rewards are gonna be filler again (torches, paints).

True, the big themed sets are most likey Bazaar :frowning:
For one, I hope the Cursed Tree is part of the Battlepass, because it looks cool, but I rather doubt it is.

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what is the buildingset in the backround

Don’t think it’s a buildset. It looks like the stairs from the passage that connects the Jungle to the North, the one with the giant Witch Queen head at the jungle end.

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Guys so when do we get glimpse of new PB setup?

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