Bazaar, Challenges and Battle Pass bugged!

This bug wasn’t happening yesterday. Today when i logged everything was off! And of course i restarted the game many times…

Challenges can’t have only 5 rewards 10x, we are paying a battlepass to help funcom to bring us more content, but with so many bugs and ridiculous xp earned for a task to cross the whole map, i’m afraid i won’t finish the whole battle pass, which means my money goes to the trash…

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Greetings Morphyrus!
Thank you for reporting reporting your situation regarding the bazaar, challenges and Battle Pass.

In order for our team to properly assess the issue, could you please let us know if you are playing on an Official Server or Private Server please? In case you are playing on a Private Server, are you perhaps using mods?

Thank you in advance!

Yes, i’m playing in a private server and using mods. Apparently seems removing the mods resolves the problem, but without my mods, i don’t want to play the game anymore. Hope funcom can find a way to merge mods and all bugs related to it.

Thanks for the attention.

Glad to hear that at least the issue has been solved Morphyrus.

I’ll make sure to past your feedback to our team, alongside those from other players, in order to improve the situation surrounding the mods.

Thank you for sharing your suggestions with us!

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