Stop with the vague descriptions. I need things to be clear if they actually work or are just decor. I spent a lot of coin on that yamati tavern set only to find out that the pillows don’t work as chairs so it’s POINTLESS. It’s not the first thing I’ve purchased only to find out it doesn’t work. bookcases that don’t hold anything, beds you can’t actually spawn to, stairs you can’t climb. Please just make things work. And list things with one of two words. “INTERACTIVE” or “DECOR”.
Well, devs said they will soon. There’s that at least. I bought that set once this was announced.
It would be very nice to know what is being acquired.
If an emote can be used by Thralls, for example.
Or whether a torture rack is a bed, a wheel of pain, or just playful ambiance.
At least the Yamatai cushions are being updated. Den himself came out and addressed that. Unfortunately, someone decided to put the Yamatai Teahouse set back into the Bazaar before it was fixed. Gorramit that was foolish. Just as foolish as putting the Aquilonian bathhouse set back into rotation while the porcelain throne was still unavailable.
A touch more oversight regarding the Bazaar would be very nice and save a lot of anger and frustration.
This. It’s not always obvious.
Funcom takes pride in their… aggressive release targets
Ready or not, it’s getting (re-)released!
That having been said, this one must note their approval of adding the fourth chapter.
It’s an extremely responsible and realistic thing to do and will hopefully help with some of these issues.
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